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Stranger Events Still

Not daring to turn her head, Narcissa watched from the corner of her eye as Helios stared intently at Lucius' best-man, pulling the chair and the man, out from the table. Without speaking the man left the table and Helios gave him a tight-lipped smile and took his place slumping in lazily. It only took a moment before he took his brother's glass of champagne, finishing it in one go. "You must be a Black, yes?" The way he said it sounded at if her family name was an insult. He didn't even wait for her confirmation as he pretended to mull something over in his mind. "One of Cygnus' daughters," he huffed. "Where is the old man?"

Narcissa wanted to take offence for her father, and he must have seen it on her face. "Relax, darling. I mean no harm with it, he must've been one of the only ones that kept in contact with me after I was shipped off." She had not known that, Helios was never mentioned by her father. In fact, he wasn't mentioned by anyone. Narcissa was rather frustrated with it. Like she had been blindsided by not only her family, but also her own husband.

"He's with the rest of my family at their table." She had mumbled and she hated it. Helios turned his gaze toward the tables, spotting the distinguishable characteristics of the Black family and grinned. The scrapping of his chair annoyed her, Narcissa had never met a person like him before, she was embarrassed at his attitude. As though manners were unknown to him. She watched now as he approached her family's table. They were a snobby bunch, barely even taking the time to know Lucius so she could only guess how they would shun him away. Except they hadn't. Cygnus Black had stood from his chair as Helios approached them and gave him a hearty handshake with a pat on the shoulder that lingered. Narcissa's father gestured to the rest of her family that were sat, his rare smile ever-present on his aged face.

"How does your brother know my family," Narcissa whispered to her husband. Lucius was disgruntled, perhaps slightly envious at the attention his younger brother had gained from Lucius' father-in-law. He could only give her a shrug before he eyed his brother with a look that would burn holes if it could.

Narcissa could hear her sister, Bellatrix's cackle. Spying the way she latched onto Helios for balance like her laughter was killing her. Her father looking at the platinum-blond in front of him in delight, silently chuckling too. Narcissa was even more skeptical at this occurrence. Annoyed at her family's apparent favouritism toward Helios Malfoy, who had only just existed to her today. She briefly wondered if her disowned sister would have a similar reaction to the rest of her family at seeing Helios, then it would be apparent that her family were purposely keeping her in the dark about the younger Malfoy.

The night had continued despite the slight interruption of Helios Malfoy. Narcissa had been waiting for him to meet with a consequence of his impolite had not come. Instead, he was relaxed with her family in the corner. They were almost huddled around him, biding for a moment of his attention while he looked between them in contained amusement.

Lucius had stomped off, slumping in an opposite corner with his old Hogwarts friends. The elder Malfoy had been chucking down a number of glasses of wine, slowly making a mess of himself. Narcissa was appalled, but she'd have to keep her dissatisfaction to herself. For the sake of appearance.

All of this had left her alone at the head table mulling over her own glass of wine with a certain bitterness. Another cackle from Bellatrix and finally, Narcissa decided to see what all the fuss with Helios Malfoy was about. Spotting the empty chair to the left of her father, she marched her way to the newly revived table. The chair drifted out upon her arrival, and though she had wondered how that occurred, she was more concentrated on the way her father was leaning toward and speaking animatedly to Malfoy.

"Good evening, everyone," she announced herself and delicately placed herself into the seat. Observing the reaction of the table, Narcissa was met with a number of signature Black family greetings. Her mother, Druella smiled at her daughter. They were sat next to each other and her motherly instinct had led her to straightening her daughter's necklace.

"My dear, you have looked so stunning this evening," Druella spoke with pride. "You've done your father and I proud." It was Cygnus' turn to agree, somehow pulling himself from his previous conversation. He nodded in all his usual stoic behaviour, a whipping change from how he bumbled around Helios.

Narcissa's mother turned her sights on the only other male at the table. He had remained silent and observant throughout the small conversation. "Helios, my dear, doesn't Narcissa look the absolute image of beauty? She was always the prettiest of her siblings." A silence followed. Or maybe it was the difficulty Narcissa had at the strange conversation topic with someone she hardly knew.

Helios cleared his throat turning his head toward the bride. "Of course she does, Druella." Helios had spoken with a tone that was warm and alluring. Narcissa almost believed she was narcissistic enough to think he was flirting with her. The small thought frazzled her. "She is one of your daughters after all," a sly grin morphed on his face and Narcissa had never seen her mother so flushed.

Druella shoo'd him away jokingly and Cygnus grunted in swatting the young man playfully on the shoulder. This commotion allowed Narcissa to gather herself. She had felt so exposed during this portion of the night already.

"What are your plans now then, Helios?" Cygnus' tone had changed to one of a business-like matter. "Following your graduation and whatnot." Narcissa must've been the only one that hated his prolonged sip of his wine because the rest of her family waited patiently, so unlike themselves. Even Bellatrix.

"Well, first I need to finish a few of fathers things." So unspecific and Narcissa could tell it had been done on purpose. "And once that's done, I'll start his work back up."

Everyone had nodded in high interest. "That's incredible of you, Helios," Druella crooned. Narcissa spotted the quick and humorous glance he shared with Bellatrix. But he shrugged in reply. "It's what he wanted. I couldn't have the old man turn in his grave at his unfinished business."


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