Letter to My Sisters

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My dear little sisters,

There are so many ways to start this letter. I guess I'll say that I love you. Even though I lost some of my childhood to you, to protecting and caring for you, I love you.

I wouldn't trade that. I can't imagine being an only child, that sounds terribly lonely :( Even with all the times I swear we almost killed each other, all the times we said we hated each other, I would never trade us.

I did a lot I regret. And, to be honest, I hope you don't remember most of it. I hope you don't remember all the bad I did. I hope you just remember how much I cared for you. 

Watching you grow up, it was crazy. Even though you're only four and five years younger, I'd watch you turn sixteen and realize how young of an age that truly is.

I sound so old saying this, but you have so much ahead of you.

I hope you become who you want to be. I hope you keep reaching past your comfort zone to experience new things. I hope you believe in yourself. I hope you surround yourself with people who believe in you.

I hope you never let the world scar you. The world can hurt, a lot, and you'll see and hear things you'll wish you never did, but through it all, I hope you stay soft. Stay compassionate and steadfast.

St. Francis de Sales has a quote I like: "nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing is so gentle as real strength."

Also, my favorite three Rules of Detachment (you can look up the other three, too): "let yourself be who you are, let others be who they are, don't force situations."

Above all, I really, really hope that you are happy with your life. That you are peaceful and content and proud of the human person you will become.

I hope you are truly content in a way I never learned how to be. I hope you are truly happy in life and in death.

I hope you never feel alone. I hope you always feel the love I have for you.

Thank you for being my little sisters.

I love you until tulips fall from the moon,

Your sister


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