Awkward dreadful silence filled the room, as the two could only stare at each other.

Darwin felt an immense fear at what could come, but.. Nothing. He soon noticed the cat was only looking at him with shock, yet hurt. There was no anger. It was then he realized.

This wasn't right anymore.

He could remember Nicole's words from that day of the confrontation, how deeply rooted they seemed to be inside him. Was that why he felt so afraid? Was he scared she was right? In a way, she had been, thinking back to earlier. What kind of partner makes the other feel unsafe and needing to hide? He should have seen the signs, but instead, he chose to ignore them.

Yet, nothing was happening.

It was then that Gumball cautiously broke the silence. "..What am I doing? This.. This is exactly why Penny broke up with me.."

Darwin didn't say a word, watching the cat with sorrow.

"It's.. It's just the diner all over again.." Gumball averted his gaze to the carpet, tears forming in his eyes. He felt his paws tremble, to which he held them to try and keep them still. "I didn't listen to her.. I could've prevented all this.. I.."

The two looked at each other once more. Silently, they agreed. This couldn't be ignored anymore. They needed help.

Clanging of keys was heard at the door, as the voices of the rest of the family could be heard outside it, seeming to be deep in some sort of conversation that was hard to make out.

Not a word was spoken after, as Gumball went upstairs to the bedroom to change, leaving Darwin back in the living room to process the events.



The young bunny turned her attention away from her homework, seeing Gumball and Darwin soon enter the room. She raised an eyebrow, sensing something was wrong. Though, it seemed rather obvious, the way the two were uncharacteristically quieter and sorrowful.

"We.. Need some advice." The cat was struggling to find the right words for it. This was already awkward enough. "..About.. Us."

"You want me to give you two dating advice?" Anais's eyebrow lifted slightly higher, as she couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed by the conversation. "Look I know I'm not stupid but I'm not the right person for this either, I'm only four."

Darwin sighed, taking over with the talking, the other allowing it. "We're talking about.. The relationship. The.. Bad parts."

This certainly got her attention. The bunny set down her work, turning her chair to properly look at the two. Her annoyance had vanished, leaving curiousity in its wake. "Alright, so what's the issue here?"

"..We feel.. There's.. Issues." The fish explained, his voice rather quiet. It pained him to even think about this. "..It's been going on for a while.. And it got worse after.."

He looked at his partner, unsure whether or not to say it.

"..He caught me trying to go kill Tobias.." Gumball muttered, doing the job for him. Having to say it out loud did make him realize how dumb the plan was in the first place. "After some uh.. Disagreements, we realized something was wrong.."

"..We came to you for help.. What do you.. See?" Darwin focused his attention back to the bunny, hesitant to continue. Admittedly he was afraid what she might say, but there wasn't much other options. This had to be done. "..Is this fixable?.."

Anais studied them for a moment, before motioning the two to come sit down on the carpet, to which they did so. "Look, I won't lie to you, but I knew this was coming. From the start, this relationship has been toxic."

Crazy in Love (A Gumwin story but kinda switched up a bit)Where stories live. Discover now