Chapter Six: The Leshy & Love Tips

Start from the beginning

"Of course! No problem. And stay warm."

"I will. See ya later."

"See ya."


"Just talk to him about it."

"Meggy-! I can't! Not after- I- I dunno! And how would I even start a conversation with him after that??"

"Well, I understand why you losing your mind. But first love tip, never run away from the person you want to be with after doing a big step. That just makes things awkward and worse."

"I think I learned that Meggy."

"Just making sure, your brain can be a little dull."

Four made a -_- face at her as she started laughing.

"Ok- ok." She said as she disposed of the rest of her giggles.

"Tip number two. Just be yourself and talk about it. Like I said, it's better to talk about it head-on and just figure it out right away. When I started getting my feelings for Tari, I didn't even last a month without wanting to hang out with her more and get personal. And I ripped it like a bandage about in a month max. And boom! She liked me back! And I wasted a whole month! But look at us now! We're doing great." :)

"Yeah, you are not fully wrong. But-"

"Tip number three, don't focus all on just rejection or the outcome. If you focus just on that, you won't get anywhere, or you'll suffer when you try to get there. If Smg3 doesn't like you back respectfully, you then saved yourself from a relationship that was doomed to fall. Because remember, saying no to someone when they confess to you is almost just as hard as confessing. Also, that doesn't mean you have to stop being friends altogether, you can still be friends if the confession doesn't go well."

"Yeah, you're right."


Smg3 stood up from the couch as Luigi started cleaning up the medical supplies. Three turned around and started folding the blanket on the cushion for Smg4 to use if he came back later. Couldn't believe that Four... kissed him. while getting his painful stitches. it didn't feel real and honestly, three felt the same towards Four. But the way four ran away like that, it kind of stung him in the heart. And he couldn't help but be a little upset that he didn't stay in the room with him. But he'll talk to him later right now. His focus was on moving eggdog to Four's castle for who knows how long with the certain events that have been happening. Plus, he can't just leave his sweet baby in his café, all by himself. With that monster out there. Nope. not gonna happen.

As Three pushed open the heavy wooden door that separated the warmth of the castle from the biting cold outside, he quickened his pace toward his snowy establishment. The darkness of the early morning enveloped him, making it impossible to see without the aid of his phone's flashlight. As he approached the café, the blackness of the night seemed to weigh down on him, creating an eerie atmosphere that sent shivers down his spine. He hastened his steps, eager to reach the safety of his shop. The purple-clad man's unease grew with each passing moment, and he fumbled with his keys, desperate to unlock the door and escape the ominous surroundings. The vulnerability he felt at that moment was palpable, and he couldn't help but wonder what dangers lurked in the shadows.

When he pushed the door handle, the bell on the door chimed its classic jingle, shattering the deafening silence.

As he entered the main cafe, he switched on the lights and scanned the area for Eggdog, the adorable little white egg. However, to his surprise, Eggdog didn't appear to the sound of the door's jingle as he usually did. This left Smg3 feeling a bit uncomfortable as his little son always greeted him at the door.

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