Chapter 11

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Walking down the street, Simon and Natalia walked into the post office as Simon had to send his Christmas cards off to his family and one to Eliana. After that, the two of them left the post office as he asked Natalia if she could request an Uber to the hospital in which she nodded and took her phone to book a ride. Taking off her glove, she unlocked her phone and opened her Uber app, requesting a ride.

"It'll be here in ten minutes." She told him.

Simon nodded as the two of them walked into the post office to wait for their Uber from the cold. On her phone, Natalia opened her Pinterest app as she looked for some inspiration as she wanted to hang Christmas lights inside the apartment. As minutes passed by, Natalia's phone went off with a notification regarding their ride arriving.

"It's here." She said, standing up.

Both Simon and Natalia walked outside as their Uber arrived in front of the post office as they got in, closing the doors behind him as the driver drove off. Riding in silence, Simon glanced over at Natalia as she just stared out the window in which he leaned over towards her.

"Are you okay?" He wondered, lowering his voice.

"I'm fine." She replied, giving Simon a half smile.

The rest of the ride was silent as the two of them didn't say anything else. Arriving at the hospital, their Uber driver pulled into the parking lot as they got out of the car, thanking the driver and closing the doors behind them. As the driver drove off, the two of them walked into the hospital lobby and up to the nurse's station where they were greeted by a nurse named Hannah Warren with blonde hair and a smile bright as the sun.

"Good morning." She greeted, smiling.

"Hey, Hannah, this is my roommate, Natalia." Simon replied, introducing the two of them.

"So, this is the famous Natalia that I've been hearing so much from this guy right here." Hannah remarked.

"I'm flattered, but it's really nice to meet you." Natalia responded.

"You as well, but what can I do for the two of you?" She spoke.

Is Dr. Mendoza in today?" Simon asked.

"I think he's in his office on the third floor, you can go ahead up, and I'll call to let him know that you're heading up there." She told him.

Simon thanked Hannah as he left as Natalia insisted on staying at the nurse's station with Hannah until he got back. Watching him walk off, Hannah noticed Natalia with a pained expression on her face after she called upstairs to Dr. Mendoza.

"You like him, don't you?" Hannah questioned.

"More like in love with, but he has a girlfriend and I just want the best for him." Natalia confided.

"Is his girlfriend named Eliana Lopez by any chance?" She inquired.

"Yeah, do you know her?" Natalia crooned.

"Not that much personally, but I have a close family friend named Valentina, who lives in Miami as well, which she was telling me that she would see her at the mall with another guy." Hannah explained.

"So, in other words, she's cheating on him with this guy, and he doesn't even know?" Natalia pondered.

"Precisely." Hannah answered.

"I had a feeling that was the case and I want to ask him without sounding like I'm meddling in his relationship." She claimed.

"There's a difference to that as you're asking because you genuinely care about him, and I can tell when two people care about each other." Hannah proclaimed.

"So, what do I do?" Natalia foretold.

"My advice to you is to let him find out on himself instead of trying to convince him and I don't really say this to anyone, but I do hope the two of you become something on the romantic side, like you deserve someone to be happy with." She avowed.

Just as Hannah and Natalia were talking, another nurse named Isaac Smith came up to the nurse's station with a smile on his face as he saw her.

"Hey, gorgeous." He greeted, smiling at Hannah.

"Hey, this is Dr. Delarosa's roommate, Natalia." She told him, returning the smile.

"It's finally nice to meet you, Natalia and Simon never mentioned how beautiful you are besides Hannah here." Issac commented.

"You're the sweetest." Hannah told him.

"Same here, and let me guess, you two are dating?" Natalia observed.

"We are, which tonight makes it our third-year anniversary." Issac announced.

"Happy anniversary to the both of you." She exclaimed.

As both Isaac and Hannah thanked her, Hannah stood up from the nurse's station as she was needed to assist one of the doctors with a patient while Isaac took over just when Simon returned.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Natalia." Simon apologized.

"It's fine, Isaac and Hannah here been keeping me company, which now I see why they are your two favorite people while you're here." Natalia affirmed.

After Simon and Natalia talked to Hannah and Isaac for a few more minutes, they said their goodbyes as Hannah walked off while she and Simon left the hospital after she gave Hannah a hug and thanked her for the advice.

"Again, I'm sorry if Hannah and Isaac gave you a hard time." He professed.

"They didn't, but they were telling me that they are celebrating their third-year anniversary tonight and it's actually sweet to have a type of love like the one that they have." Natalia declared.

Simon nodded as he took his phone to request an Uber from the hospital to Holidays and Things to get a Christmas tree, ornaments, and decorations for the apartment.

Christmas In Seattleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें