Chapter 10

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That same morning at the apartment after both Natalia and Simon finished getting after brushing their teeth and everything, Simon was in the living room waiting for her to emerge from her room. As Natalia made her way into the living room, he glanced at her as he noticed how nicely she was dressed.

"You look nice." He complimented.

"So do you." She said, returning the compliment.

"Ready to go?" Simon questioned.

With a nod, the two of them checked to make sure anything wasn't kept plugged in as Simon turned the TV off as they had put on their coats. Grabbing her purse, Natalia and Simon proceeded towards the door, grabbing their keys on the way out. Locking the door behind them, Simon and Natalia proceeded down the hallway towards the elevators as Simon pressed the button for downstairs. The doors opened as the two of them walked onto the elevator with the doors closing behind them as they stood in a slight awkward silence until Simon had spoke.

"So, I think we should talk about what happened inside the apartment a while ago." Simon remarked.

"The part where you kissed me?" Natalia questioned.

"Yeah, that part." He answered.

"Well, it was a bit unexpected, but I also enjoyed it." She said.

Simon was surprised to hear that Natalia enjoyed the kiss, which he enjoyed it as well even though he was starting to feel a bit conflicted with his feelings between Natalia and Eliana as he cared about the both of them.

"Honestly, I enjoyed it as well." Simon confessed.

"So, what happens between you and Eliana and do you think the kiss changes things now?" She inquired.

"I still want to make things work with her and everything, and as far as the kiss go, I don't know if it does."

Natalia nodded as she was a bit upset at the fact that Simon wanted to keep on working on his relationship, but her feelings for him were part of the reason why she was feeling that way.

"As much as I would love to explore where things go between us, I think we shouldn't because you have something special with Eliana and I don't want to be that person who makes someone choose between two people." She explained.

"If things were different, I would definitely consider exploring things between us."

Just as Natalia was about to speak, the elevator doors opened as it stopped on the eighth floor as Evan walked onto the elevator dressed in his police uniform and gave Natalia a smile.

"Hey, Natalia, it's nice to see you again." He said, smiling.

"Same here." She replied, returning the smile.

As Evan asked her if she was going out for the day, Natalia responded by saying she was as she also introduced him to Simon as the two men had greeted and shook hands with each other, which the elevator ride was a bit awkward with her standing between the guy that she has feelings for and lives with and the other guy that she wanted to get to know romantically, but remembered the promise that she made to herself about focusing on her career first before entering another relationship.

"So, there's a café down the street and their hot chocolate and cookies are amazing especially this time of year, so the two of you should check it out whenever you get the chance." He told them.

"We could probably do that." Simon chimed.

"Yeah, we can especially I've been wanting chocolate chip cookies for a while now." Natalia commented.

Throughout the rest of the elevator ride, Simon, Natalia, and Evan stood in silence as the elevator doors opened, stopping onto the lobby floor as they both had let Natalia get off before them.

"Well, anyway, I'm going to head to work now, but it was nice meeting you, Simon and I'll see you soon, Natalia." Evan remarked.

Giving him a smile, Natalia wished him a good day as Evan walked outside towards his car to leave for work, leaving both her and Simon.

"So, Evan seems nice." He remarked.

"Wait, are you jealous?" Natalia responded.

"No, I'm just saying that he's nice, which I feel like he'll be a great match for you or maybe Jessica."

Natalia glanced at him as she could tell that Simon was a bit jealous, but they both knew that he shouldn't have a reason to be upset as he was still with Eliana and still wanted to make their relationship work.

"Can we just get started on your errands, please?" Natalia pleaded.

"Sure." Simon answered.

As the two of them left the lobby, both Simon and Natalia walked outside as they proceeded down the street towards the post office from the apartments as Simon kept glancing over at Natalia and realized that he was a bit jealous of Evan even though he shouldn't be.

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