"I'm scared, Damien." So that's what I had seen in her eyes. Fear.

"You will not be alone on the battlefield, Eden. Jericho and I will be by your side throughout it all." I assure her.

"I'm not scared for me.. I-i don't want to lose anyone.." Her blue eyes begin to fill with tears as she tries her best to hold them back. "I don't want to lose you or Jericho." She cries softly.

I quickly sweep her up within my arms, shielding her from prying eyes and judging remarks. "It's okay, we're not going anywhere. We will win this, together. We will win, and we will do it together."

Eden's soft blue eyes filling with tears makes me feel things I've never felt before. I need to protect this woman with everything I am.

"Come, let's go find Jericho. He should be going over the plans for invading and retaking the outer villages of the kingdom." I say, trying to redirect her thoughts.

She stays within my arms, her face buried in my chest as she nods only once. I make no attempt to move until she does, slowly untangling herself from my arms. She keeps her head pointed down as she slips her hand into mine, slowly making our way over to where I know Jericho will be.

I see him come into view, currently going over plans with Haleth, Kiana, Ciaran and Talon.

Kiana may be powerless, but she is not helpless. She has been one of our strongest points in preparing battle strategies and preparing our people for war.

Jericho's attention quickly turns to me and Eden as we approach, not needing words to know his mates are near.

"There you two are, just in time. We need to figure out when you two should arrive, where you will be in the sky you shouldn't be arriving first, they'd spot you sooner." Jericho informs us.

"You're not putting me at the back." I state simply.

"No, you two will be in the second line of defense, I feel you'll be best there."

"And where will you be?" Eden asks, worry creeping into her voice.

"I will be at the front, as is my duty as Leader. It's my job to lead this army, Eden." He says, his eyes darting back down to the plans written out so far.

"Then we should be by your side." She argues.

"We have only one dragon, and we need it, it won't allow anyone but Damien upon his back, though we're sure Azar would agree to you seeing as how you're Damien's mate. The dragon is also the safest place for you, Eden." Jericho tries to reason.

"You think I'm going to spend this battle in a safe spot? Do you think I'm not going to join in on the battlefield?" She challenges. "Because I won't. I will not be sitting by where it's safe, I'm here to fight.. I'm supposed to be a part of this."

I can see Jericho struggling with himself. Part of him wants to hide Eden away until it's all over, keep her safe from any threat. But part of him knows she is her own person, and she has the spirit of a fierce warrior, and he knows this.

He cannot contain her inner fire, it burns too brightly. Though I don't think he'd do so even if he could. We love our mate and her fiery attitude.

Jericho speaks without looking back up. "You may dismount Azar when you feel the time is appropriate." He says, granting Eden her wish of joining the fight.

She smiles brightly in return. "I'll be okay, I'm stronger now."

Jericho smiles back at her, unable to help it. I'm a sucker for that sweet smile of hers as well though. He walks closer to where we stand, stopping in front of Eden, smiling down at her before kissing her lips longingly until someone clears their throat a little too loudly.

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