Chapter 9: Back.

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Chapter 9: Back

"You took so long wassup." I hear a female voice say and I raise an eyebrow.

"Alyssa, you're such a pain." Sawyer tells her as she walks in.

"Oh, so that's why, huh?" Alyssa says, looking at me. "Hi, I'm Alyssa. Sawyer's friend." She tells me and I awkwardly wave at her. She looks at me up and down, analyzing my features before she turns to face Sawyer.


"You owe me big time." She tells him. "Ditching your best friend for some girl? Is that what we're doing now?" She says and I scoff.

Sawyer doesn't say anything in my defense, instead he just gives me a defeated smile.

"What are you doing here? We don't have a study session until Monday...I think." Sawyer asks her.

"I was around the corner, plus I don't need an invitation to come here." She tells him, tapping his shoulder. Alyssa walks towards the kitchen and I scowl at Sawyer

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks me.

"Who is she?" I question.

"My best friend." He tells me.

"Thought your best friend was Wyatt." I ask, folding my arms as I stare at him.

"He is. Alyssa is my other best friend." He tells me.

"You just didn't mention her to me that's all." I say, flipped my hair behind my back.

"We just met and are getting to know each other. Information like this isn't important." He says, shrugging.

"Yeah, to you." I retort.

"Look, I'm not going to argue with you, okay?" He tells me.

"Neither am I." I say, pushing past him to grab my purse that's on the dining table.

"Yo, Sawyer what do you want for dinner?" I hear Alyssa say from the kitchen.

Oh, she cooks for him too?.

"Coming." Sawyer replies, before he struts off to the kitchen. He doesn't even make eye contact with me as I open the door.

I leave his apartment and walk down the hallway. Jealousy fills my entire body and it soon turns to anger. I need to stop entertaining jerks for real.


"I'm from Ecuador." Fanny tells me and I stare at her in shock.

"No way." I reply and she laughs.

I'm at the school stadium for my track practice. The 2023 season's about to start and this is our first practice of the year. I decided to become a track star at the end of freshman year. I needed a place to channel my energy and joining the track team was the best decision I have ever made.

Track and field is kind of a hobby to me, but that's not the case for most of the girls on the team. Some people came to NYU strictly to run track to be able to keep their scholarship. For some of them, it's a do or die affair and for me it's just something I picked up when I got bored.

"Your reaction is understandable." She says, chuckling.

"Those don't look like quad drills, Paragon." I hear Coach Lizzie yell from behind me and I shake.

"Busted." Fanny says.

"Ladies drop and give me twenty." Coach says and I groan.

"What was that, Nova? Would you like to do fifty push ups?" Coach asks me and I shake my head.

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