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Gon wiped away the last of his tears, and with shaking legs, stood to assess the situation.

Knuckle, Zushi, Leorio, and Shoot were all impelling the door shut with little to no success. The hinges had already come loose from the weight on the other side, and Gon could imagine the amount of rabbids responsible. He wanted to run and assist, but couldn't get a grasp on how it would help. The closet appeared to be a dead end, and their position had already been given away. There was no use trying to wait them out, because the horde would have the door down before they lost interest. Almost like a punch to the face, he remembered the entire reason they took the risk to begin with. He fumbled, taking no time to dawdle, for the phone in his back pocket. It was a struggle, his hands still shaking from the events prior but eventually it came free and-

Palm took the phone right from his grasp.

She paced around, trying her damnedest to at the very least turn it on, but it just wouldn't. Gon chased close behind her the entire time.

"The fuck, Gon?! You grabbed a broken phone?!" She yelled, clearly distressed. There was no use telling her to quiet down anymore.

Though Gon didn't understand what she meant. He grabbed the only phone he knew would work for the task, it being his phone and all. He had a habit of powering it down before each class, knowing he had a long day ahead of him and never remembering to bring his charger to school. There was no way it was dead.

"Did you power it on?!" Gon cried, reaching for it as a sign to let him make use of his phone. But Palm, being Palm, didn't listen. She only pulled it farther from his reach.

"Yes, dipshit! I'm not an idiot!"

"Hey, guys~" Knuckle grimaced, using all of his force to hold the door shut. "We're running out of time over here~!"

Ikalgo soon butted into the conversation, rubbing at the buzz cut on his head. Gon could tell he'd have been pulling his hair if he actually had any. "I don't think the phone's what's important, right now! If we don't get this door blocked, we're all dead!"

"Really?! And what the fuck gives you the right to say anything?!" Leorio yelled, rushing from the doors to pin him against the shelves. "This is your fault and you know it!"

Kurapika had to rush in his place, not that he added much strength to the equation against the growing horde.

Though Killua was fast to intervene.

"H-Hey, stop! Let him go, Leorio! Now's not the time to exacerbate the situation-!"

"You think I care?! This asshole is the reason we're all trapped in here with no way out! We're going to die because of him!"

If it wasn't already apparent that Ikalgo couldn't breathe, the way his fingers shriveled on Leorio's sleeve was a good clue. It made Killua growl in pure anger, just before pulling another hockey stick from its hamper and saying, "If you don't let him go, I'll have to force you..."

"Okay, what the fuck?!" Zushi was crying from the floor, his back pressed firmly against the medium of the two doors, his feet flailing against the carpet. He had tears streaming down his face, much like Gon wished he could allow.

He just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry- scream until he couldn't breathe anymore. But instead, he did what was needed of him: He came up with the most unerring plan he could think of to distract the others from tearing each other apart.

"You're really defending him, right now?!" Leorio shreaked.

"He made a mistake!"

"He's an idiot!"

Past To Present (And Hunters In Between) (HxH GonKillu)Where stories live. Discover now