An Indication of Devastation

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*This is a zombie apocalypse AU + I consider myself a realist = there will be gore and death. If you cannot handle those two things I advise you leave while you still can.

*I'm going to do my best to keep the gory details to a minimum while still setting the scene, hopefully I do well with that :|

*I'm no fucking professional but I'm sure that's obvious already

*Last thing. The way I formatted this fic was to give different perspectives with the intention of adding an eeriness to the plot. There WILL be a lot of jumping around characters' thoughts and views. (There is also an annoyingly long introduction before the zombie part happens so hang in there I beg)

*Last last thing. This is my first fic! Any tips for future works would be lovely, and besides that I really hope it is enjoyable and entertaining!  Have fun!!!!


  "What's up, Old Man?!"

Through a rolled down car window, Gon Freecss yelled into the car stalling next to him. He gave a subtle salute with the cockiest grin on his face, and couldn't help smiling through squinting eyes.

It was beautiful outside today.

"Ah, tough guy, 'uh?!" One of Gon's closest, and most annoying friends, Leorio, yelled back at him from the driver's seat of his own car. "You're a fucking bully, y'know that!"

Gon couldn't help but laugh out loud, remembering how long the weekend had been and how happy it made him to finally see his friends again. "Honk if you mean that!" He yelled, resting his chin innocently on his arms he had folded ever so gracefully, now hanging out of the window.

Leorio deadpanned for a split second before slamming his abnormally large and boney hand on the center of his steering wheel, not once breaking eye contact.

Gon had no doubt that Leorio would go through with it, but he hadn't expected it to last as long and awkwardly as it did. Heads turned to the sound, considering they were in the school parking lot and students had just begun to start making their way into the building. Gon found it funny at first, but as the seconds went by, his smile began to fade and he wasn't sure if it was a joke anymore.

A frown spread across his face, "Okay, don't you think you've made your point?!" He whined over the screeching of Leorio's old ass car horn, cupping his hands over his mouth to enhance his complaints.

"Yes!" A voice yelled, coming up beside Leorio's window and slapping at his hand.

Leorio's yelp matched the frequency of the horn as he pulled his hand away, and Gon's ears had to adjust to the ringing that filled them, rubbing at the side of his head.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Leorio? You're drawing attention to yourself," the person spoke again, slapping at Leorio's arm this time, who then had to rub away the pain.

"Hey, Kurapika!" Gon waved, removing the keys from the ignition of his car, grabbing his backpack from the passenger seat, and jogging around the back of Leorio's car to meet him. "That's just Leorio's way of a friendly greeting. Isn't it, Old Man?" He leaned down, sticking his tongue out and laughing, just before getting the door kicked open in his face. He stumbled backward and into the car next to Leorio's, grunting as he rubbed at his forehead.

"What can I say, I'm a charmer." Leorio shrugged as he opened the back door of his vehicle to grab his bag, then closed it and hit it with a double lock as a safety precaution.

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