Start from the beginning

"Of course, dear. We never realize the value of what we have until it leaves us." Ummita said, she couldn't wait to see Maha's reaction when Ayman finally confess his love for her. She had been pestering Ayman to tell Maha his feelings for her but he refused, at first he told her he felt scared and nervous, he still did. When she continued pestering him, he told her he wanted to wait until new year, he wanted to begin a new chapter of their lives on a clean slate.

He had spend alot just to get the venue he wanted decorated for Maha, he wanted to confess his love for her. He had put a lot of effort to it, she couldn't wait to see Maha's reaction when she saw how beautifully he had decorated the place just for her.

"So here's the plan." Maha said and then she moved closer to Ummita signalling her to come closer which she did.
"So I will pretend I'm living so we can see if he will stop me." Maha said.
"Well that's a good plan, I'm sure he will stop you." Ummita said with a smile, her brother was really lucky to have gotten a woman who loves him alot. These days, true love is something rare and she could already sense the brewing beautiful love between her brother and Maha.
"Sometimes I really get jealous of Tessie and Matches you know." Maha said and then she pouted.
"I mean, they both love each other and they already know that and they will get married next year." Maha said, she stared dreamily at the wall as she reminisced her brother's love with Ayman's younger sister. Their lives were truly going the way they wanted it, no one was opposing their relationship and their relationship wasn't as complicated as hers and Ayman. Soon they would get married and they would have a happy ever after with cute mini versions of them both, she could only hope she and Ayman would also have that happy ever after, she wanted to give him the happy ever after he never had with Aisha.

"Alright, so I will take my leave, I will start the plan as soon as I get back home." Maha said as she got up from the sofa, both she and Ummita giggled to themselves.
"Say hi to Amir and daddy Amir for me." Maha said as she got to her car.
"Alright, bye." Ummita said and then Maha drove off.

The glow of her phone screen momentarily illuminated Maha's face as she bent her head to read Ayman's message, unaware that these innocent words would become the prelude to an irreversible tragedy. The invitation,
"Meet me at Ethereal Eats," hinted at promises of love, but fate had a different script in mind.

As she raised her head, the world shifted into a nightmarish tapestry of chaos. The once inviting road transformed into a desolate corridor where time distorted cruelly. In the relentless pursuit of normalcy, the unseen force of destiny had woven a narrative of despair.

A truck, a colossal juggernaut of impending doom, materialized in a fast-motion horror. Maha's attempt to react was a futile dance against an inevitable force, a macabre ballet where each moment stretched into an eternity. The glow of her phone screen, now hauntingly incongruous, served as a stark reminder of the innocence that had unknowingly propelled her into the path of a merciless collision.

The atmosphere inside her car shifted from tranquility to pandemonium. The once familiar surroundings blurred into a disorienting haze, and the realization of the impending impact lingered in the air like a bitter premonition. The symphony of shattering glass and rending metal became the haunting crescendo of a fate too grim to be escaped.

In that harrowing moment, Ethereal Eats, once a symbol of romantic promise, bore witness to the cruel twist of circumstances. The collision became an indelible scar on the canvas of fate, a stark reminder that love's rendezvous could unwittingly lead to the grim intersection of chance and tragedy.

In the aftermath of the collision, pain pulsed through Maha's battered body, a symphony of agony. Amidst the twisted wreckage, her thoughts were a tumultuous swirl, reaching out to Ayman like ethereal tendrils.

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