"Luna, just look at me," Kirsten says. Luna contemplates for a few seconds then shifts her gaze to Kirsten.

"Just don't do anything stupid Luna. It's not worth it, I promise you. None of it is worth going back to that place," she finally says then leaves. Luna stands here in the living room dumbstruck by what Kirsten just told her. Tears are rolling down her cheeks yet she's standing there as though they were not falling.

"Luna, baby?" I say and she just stands there for a few minutes taking in everything. Then a few minutes later, she heads upstairs without saying a word.

When I make it upstairs after her, she's in the closet taking down her suitcase.

"I fucked up," was all she said as she opened the case and started throwing clothes in it.

"Baby," I say coming up to her slowly. But she couldn't hear me. She kept mumbling to herself about messing up and she kept saying sorry.

"Baby look at me," I said grabbing her and turning her towards me. She was shaking even more as tears slipped out of her precious eyes.

"I'm sorry," she said as she collapsed on the floor crying hysterically. I brought her to my embrace as I held her in my arms.

"It's ok my love," I kept saying to her. In the middle of her crying, she suddenly got up and started pacing around the floor.

"I just wanted to be alone for a little while. I needed a little time. I thought I was fine but I wasn't and now I've made everyone hate me," she said pacing around as she kept rubbing a hand up and down her face.

"No one hates you love, I promise. They know you didn't mean any of that," I said walking over to her.

"I'm so sorry Bada, I didn't mean to accuse you and Kirsten. I know she'd never do that to me. I w-was just so mad. I, I don't know why I did any of that. I was just so mad at myself, now you hate me too" she said sobbing. My heart was breaking so much at how hurt Luna was right now. It hurt me to see her like this.

"It's okay my love, it's okay. I could never hate you Luna, you know that," I said caressing her back as I hugged her.

"I thought I would be fine but I'm not. I thought I could be okay with all of this but it's eating me up inside Bada. I hate it so much," she says falling to her knees in my embrace. We stayed there on the ground for a while as she cried her eyes out.

After a while, her cries got softer and her breathing became even so I knew she fell asleep. I gently pick her up and take her out of the closet then carefully lay her in bed and tuck her in. My precious Luna is hurting so badly right now and I have no idea how to help her. It pains me to see her like this.

After a few minutes of watching her sleep to make sure she doesn't wake up, I make my way downstairs and clean up. Although it was a bunch of us tonight, we were able to keep it quite clean so it didn't take too long to clean up. When I finished putting all of the food away, I made my way back upstairs to check on Luna.

She was sleeping soundly so I decided to give Kirsten a call downstairs.

"Bada?" Kirsten said over the phone.

"Hey, I just wanted to call and check in with you guys."

"We're fine. The girls are extremely confused about everything but I told them I'll explain another time,"

"Look Kirst, Luna never meant any of the things she said to you. After you all left she told me all of it was a mistake and she regrets talking to you all like that,"

"I know Bada. We just got to give her some time. Earlier today, she told me about the two of you. I had my suspicions earlier on but they were confirmed today. I know you'll treat her great Bada. I just ask that you be patient with her. I can see how much she loves you Bada and she would put you before herself. Just please, be patient. You're the one good thing in her life that she truly loves Bada,"

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