"Koo, I should take my leave. storm is getting worse and jinnie is home alone with the kids." 

"Okay and thank you so much Hyung. I'm really sorry for troubling you at this hour." The younger male spoke with guilt visible in his Bambi eyes.

"Don't say sorry kookie. Tae is my friend and you are his wife, you can trouble me anytime." The silver-haired male replied before leaving the couple alone.

Jungkook walked him to the door before telling him to be careful on his way back home as the wind and rain were very powerful. The silver-haired figure disappeared in his shining black car.

Younger locked the front door before striding towards the kitchen. Jungkook grabbed a glass of water with medicine and made his way upstairs to their bedroom.

After putting the glass and medicine over the table. Brunette carefully bring the small tub filled with water and a soft napkin from the bathroom before settling it beside his husband.

With so much efforts, he removed his husband's smelly clothes leaving the muscular figure only in boxers. 

Jungkook wiped his hubby's sweaty body with the clean cloth and cold water. His doe eyes plugged with only concern and care for his husband. 

After cleaning taehyung's body, he strived to make him wear sweatpants. He huffed when the older refused to wear the shirt. 

Younger gave up leaving him half-naked before putting everything back in its place. This isn't the end of his battle because he still has to make his dear hubby drink the medicine for a hangover or he'll whine about it early in the morning.

Bunny-faced male securely lifted his husband's head before laying it over his chest. He opened his hubby's mouth enough to put the medicine inside. He made taehyung drink the whole glass of water so he won't dehydrate. 

The older scrunched his face in his sleep because of the bitter taste lingering in his mouth but soon found a familiar sweet smell he loved most. 

Ravenette snuggled closer to the delightful scent before circling his arms around his wifey's small figure. Even in this drunken state, he remembers his beloved wife's honey fragrance so without any reluctance taehyung tightens his grip around others dainty body. Jungkook was lost in the thoughts of his husband's addiction. He again broke his promise to never drink again. He needs to talk to taehyung before it gets too serious. 

"Ouch, tae. Too tight." Younger hissed as his husband tighten his hold before a small voice at the doorstep of their bedroom caught his attention.

"Mumma." The cute bunny boy who exactly looks like a second copy of his mother called in a small voice while rubbing his eye with one hand as the other hold his favorite bunny plushie, gifted by his father.

"Hey, baby. what happened?" Jungkook asked trying to get out of his husband's octopus arms which were clutching him more and more.

"I-i am scared." The tiny figure murmured taking hurried steps with his little wobbly feet. His mumma bunny immediately understand that the thunder and lightning must be too loud which made his baby scared.

"Aww, my baby. Come here and where's your brother, gukkie?" Brunette asked picking his three and half year old son in his lap as his husband's grasp never loosen. 

"H-Hyung was just behind me." The bunny-toothed boy replied in a sleepy voice as his Mumma stroked his fluffy hair lovingly.

"Mom?" Another voice was heard at the doorstep making the male lookup

"Come here, my pumpkin." The doe-eyed male motioned his second son to join them.

"Don't call me that, mom." The older son whined plopping on his parents bed.

"You sure, you wanna sleep on dad's side?" Jungkook asked teasing as he knows his older son is a little shy to ask for his mother's affection, unlike the younger one.

"Y-yeah. I'll sleep beside dad." Junghyun replied putting his short leg over his dad as taehyung hugged him out of habit.

Jungkook smiled looking at the father-son duo sleeping peacefully but the low whine of his baby bunny made him look down.

His Little bunny was nipping over his clothed breast struggling to remove the fabric with his tiny fist. His doe eyes similar to his mom filled with tears when he couldn't be able to remove it.

Jungkook chuckled watching his son's cute actions but immediately shushed him when he wailed loudly.

"Shh... Gukkie. Your hyungie and daddy are sleeping baby. Don't cry." Kook tried to shush him by rubbing his back and giving butterfly kisses on his face but the little one wasn't having it so in the end kook gave up, giving what his son needs.

He opened a few buttons of his pink pajama shirt before sliding it down from one of his shoulders. Undergarments while sleeping was a big no-no for his comfort zone so he doesn't wear them at night.

Seeing his feed, taegguk quickly clasped his tiny mouth to his mom's cherry-colored bud before sucking on it with puffy cheeks and sleepy eyes.

Kook sighed in defeat at his youngest's bad habit. No matter how much he tried gguk never quit breastfeeding. He is three and half years old but he still needs his momma's milk and that's the reason why jungkook never stopped lactating. If younger didn't get his favorite drink, he takes the whole house over his head throwing tantrums and nonstop crying so in the end, his mother has to give up on his son's stubbornness.

Jungkook turned off the lights before checking on his husband and oldest son. He caressed his husband's hair lovingly before stroking his pumpkin's leg thrown over his dad.

He smiled looking at his cute family. Even though they struggled financially just like any other middle-class families, he was happy to have them. 

Hola hoomans ❤️ hope enjoyed the first chapter. It's just a beginning so stay tuned for a good ride. 

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