
"B.....b-brother where are you taking me?"

"Just sleep" he put my head on he's chess while carrying me


After my brother pick me up I wake a little then when he put me in my bed I can't sleep after that so I just take a bath and then head downstairs to eat dinner with my family

I went upstairs to make sure everyone has already sleeping so I can sneak out for the plan

I follow what the demon king path tell me earlier and arrive in the glowing water there is cottage core like portal in there but it's so dark and there also leaves that hanging in the portal ceiling and glitter's I hear inside and saw he's castle was really hiding there was crow flying in the tall dark tress in red sky appearing

"This place is scary"

I head inside I have this horrible feeling and the guard's stop me

"Who are you miss"

"I..... Umm" what the heck what i can tell them to step inside

I hear footsteps I feel so cold down my spine it's so terrifying but why should I feel afraid to face him don't let my pride go down

"I dismiss you all.... And you (pointing on me) come inside"



He grab my wrist and close the door
"Let's start our plan" he smile at me

" so what was your plan all about?"

I grabbed some snack and sit in the couch

"Are you ready?"

I hummed in response

"So while everyone is busy gathering in the crowd we should went to place where your mother deal some illegal business and investigate for the proof and broke the spell in the entire kingdom"

"B-but were nobles have some responsibility to greet the other nobles from different kingdom we can leave as fast as we can after I finish my greetings I have this spot in the castle do you remember the bench where you called me before?"

"Yeah we can meet there and teleports"

"And wait what do you mean spell? Dare to explain? I'm confused"

He was so cold that I react so serious

"You want to see the real identity of your mother right? So let's end the discussion here you can sleep now I'll send you in your home"

"Were serious here" and that's the end he put me in spell of sleep

Sphere had falling asleep and the demon slowly reach her head with one hand then he grabbed the book in her hands then carry her in bridal style and let her head rest in her chest

"I reincarnated you in this world so you should be polite when talking to me"

He transported her using teleportation from her room in duke's mansion and slowly putting her sleepy body in the bed, tucking her in at soft quilt and he slowly vanish

"Sphere, behave"


"My lady wake up" I flinch

Banging on the door heard from the entire place of mansion


"Ugh my my head hurts what day is today?"

"Today is the day for he's highness engagement my lady"

*Huffed* so today was my investigation I can't wait to spread the rumors wide in the kingdom to kick the criminal daughter of beast and I'm confused what was that illegal things my mother working on

Maid have prepared my outfit for tonight

"It's so early yet"

"It's better to prepare early my lady I'm already prepare your bath"

"O-oh okay" I stated

Wait how did I get here does......... Yet that I am in demon king castle........ Arghhhh that jerk putting me in sleep

I rose in my bath I prefer washing my self without the help of maids so I stayed there 50 minutes ahead

I put my garments and walk in my sister's room I just chill a bit there while waiting her to finish her bath eating some snacks in the couch

"Sphere, what's the matter? Miss me?"

"Eww sister you're gross" I rolled my eyes and then stare in down the window

"Well it's obvious you miss me" she smiled so bright like she's seducing me

"Stop that smile your making me vomit here"

"Tskkk you didn't grow you're still wearing your harsh personality"

"Should we go out a bit before preparing fixing our selves?"

"Where do you want to go though?"

"I'm the capital"

"Oh okay me"

"I'll wait you in the garden I already prepared the carriage--

Arghh she cut me off

"Are you going with empty stomach?"

"We can eat in the capital" I muttured covering her mouth and smiled "I don't need your answer hurry up"

I went downstairs and saw my father there

"Hello father good morning I'll be going in the capital today with Selena so I won't be here to eat breakfast I'll eat in the capital Mkay? No more worries"

"Be sure you've eat"

Selena going downstairs and dismiss her butler

"Selena tell me if sphre didn't eat her breakfast I'll throw all her books"

"Okay father HAHAHAHA you've heard it? Right?"

I just glared at them

"Opps" big bro Cedric came out of knowhere

I grabbed selena hand then hopped in the carriage

"Nice scenery"

Author's note: Hello! have u guys planned ur holiday season to celebrate with? or thinking about stuff to surprise your family? Hehe

We have this exchanging of gift at school and I pick someone that is so hard to think what should I give him something memorable or valuable XD

(⁠╯⁠︵⁠╰⁠,⁠) I'm tired from all school stuff's btw I need to finish my painting, the chapter will end here I'll update tomorrow byebyeeee~~~~~ Merry Christmas 🌲 in advance hehehe

Reincarnated As Villainess In Peaceful Novel (On Going)Where stories live. Discover now