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After three years had passed, Vino, my parents, and I were on a flight from Singapore to Malaysia. I was seated by the window, looking out at the view.

Wow, it's hard to believe that three years have passed since we left Malaysia. I had such a great time in Singapore and made so many good memories. But now we're back in Malaysia, and my brother Sanjay has bought a new house and invited us to stay with him. I can't wait to see it! Vino and I have completed our diploma and degree programs, and soon we'll find the perfect careers to achieve our dreams. It's an exciting time for us!

Finally, we arrived at the airport, and Sanjay picked us up and took us to his new house. When we arrived, my parents and I congratulated him on his achievement. I felt so proud to see my brother's achievement, and I couldn't help but notice how much I had changed in the past three years. My hairstyle and sense of fashion were completely different now.

As we entered Sanjay's house, my family and I looked around in wonder. I couldn't help but admire the beautiful and comfortable terrace house. I wondered about the color scheme and theme, which seemed to be a perfect blend of modern and traditional styles. Sanjay has a great eye for decoration, and I couldn't stop myself from praising his ideas.

VIDYA: Wow, brother, the color scheme and theme are so beautiful! I love it!

Sanjay smiled and replied,

SANJAY: Thank you, Vidya. I have decorated your room with your favorite color. I hope you like it.

Excitedly, Vino grabbed my hand to see my room.

VINO: Hey Vidya, let's go see your room!

I eagerly followed her, and we both entered the room. As soon as we saw the blue and white theme, our jaws dropped, and we both just fell in love with this room.

VINO: This is amazing, Vidya! I love the color scheme.

Vino exclaimed and jumped on my bed and lay down. I smiled and replied,

VIDYA: I know, right? Sanjay did a great job decorating it.

After spending some more time with my family, Vino left the house to visit her own family. The day passed quickly, and before we knew it, it was evening. Sanjay asked us to gather for dinner, and my parents and I took our seats at the dining table. Sanjay was busy preparing the meal, a big smile on his face as he worked.

I looked at the delicious spread of food on the table. There were so many varieties, including rice, fried chicken, fried vegetables, fried eggs, and chicken sambal with boiled eggs. I couldn't wait to taste the meal.

VIDYA: Wow, it looks yummy!

SANJAY: Yeah, I cooked it all.

Once he said that, my parents and I were surprised, and my mom asked Sanjay in surprise,

KAVYA: Seriously, you're the one who cooked all these dishes?

Sanjay proudly replied,

SANJAY: Yes, mom.

I could see the proud smile on his face, and I teased him, saying,

VIDYA: Seriously? If it doesn't taste good, I'll definitely vomit.

Sanjay laughed and said,

SANJAY: First take a bite.

Looking at Sanjay's confidence, I decided to taste his cooking skills. After we took the first bite, my parents and I looked at each other and then at Sanjay. I was surprised and asked,

VIDYA: Really? You're the one who cooked this?

My dad praised Sanjay, saying,

PREM: It's delicious, man. You nailed it!

As my dad praised him, my mom added,

KAVYA: Yes! I'm so proud of you, my son.

Sanjay beamed with pride and said,

SANJAY: Haha, thank you so much. Let's enjoy the meal.

As we continued eating, Sanjay informed me about a party related to his company that he wanted me to attend with him the next day. I was hesitant and said,

VIDYA: What? But Sanjay, Vino invited me to meet her parents tomorrow.

I told him that Vino invited me, but Sanjay pleaded,

SANJAY: Please, it's very important. I already gave your name.

Wait, what? Did he give my name without my permission? I felt annoyed and asked him,

VIDYA: What? Seriously, you gave my name without my permission?

Sanjay tried to reassure me, saying,

SANJAY: Oh, come on, it's just a small favor. I'll talk to Vino, and she will understand.

Then I had no choice; I had to go with him to the party. I sighed and said,

VIDYA: Whatever.

The next day, in the evening, I got ready for the party. I wore a simple yellow and blue dress and tied my hair in a ponytail. As I descended the stairs, I announced,

VIDYA: I'm ready.

Sanjay, who was wearing a suit and a watch, looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

SANJAY: What kind of fashion is this?

He asked.

I was confused and asked,

VIDYA: Why? Isn't it beautiful?

Sanjay replied,

SANJAY: Hey, it's not just a simple party. Go and wear something more gorgeous.

I protested,

VIDYA: But this dress looks beautiful.

I spun around to show Sanjay.

Sanjay disagreed,

SANJAY: Yes, it's beautiful, but this dress is not suitable for the party event. You don't even have any fashion sense.

I disagreed, how could he say that I don't have any fashion sense?

VIDYA: I have fashion sense.

I told him and climbed up the stairs.

Later, Sanjay and I arrived at the party location. I had changed into a gray, knee-length dress with white sparkling patterns on it. My hair was styled in a bun with white clips. As we entered the party and took our seats at a round table, there were four other people sitting there. Sanjay introduced me as his sister.

I greeted them with a smile and said,

VIDYA: Hello.

One of the uncles said,

UNCLE: Wow, you look so gorgeous, young lady.

I blushed and replied,

VIDYA: Thank you, uncle.

An auntie added,

AUNTIE: Wow, Sanjay, I didn't know you had such a beautiful sister.

Sanjay grinned and replied,

SANJAY: Hehe, thank you, aunty.

I felt happy with their compliments and showed off to Sanjay, who rolled his eyes.

Sanjay asked,

SANJAY: Are we late?

One of the uncles replied,

UNCLE: No, there are still more guests to come.

Sanjay nodded and said,

SANJAY: Oh, okay.

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