Chapter 46

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"Change the stations around. We can't be too consistent with the number of Gardes we currently have throughout the midnight shifts."

Wriothesley was busy finishing up his work for the day by moving the night shifts around in the Fortress. Since a number of them had been called above the surface, he needed to improvise with the remaining groups he had in order to retain composure and stability within the prison.

"Understood, Your Grace." The Garde replied. "May I ask what should happen if one of the stations are short?"

"Get flexible." Wriothesley replied. "Try to split shifts and watches."

The Garde nodded. "I'll bring back a head count of tonight's rounds of shifts in the morning."

Wriothesley nodded, watching as the Garde saluted and walked out of his office. He leaned back in his chair after hearing the door open and close. He sighed and threw his coat off, grabbing his tea from his desk and pulling it to his mouth.

He hummed a soft tune to himself as he caught a whiff of something sweet.

Looking down at his teacup, he had forgotten how sweet he had made it.

Because that was how you preferred your tea.

Smiling, he felt his heart swell.

It had been one month since you left the Fortress— and there was no word from you.

When he walked you out of the prison, his favorite memory of you was savored in the back of his mind when he saw your eyes light up at the feeling on the sun on your skin. The way the wind blew softly over you, and how your mood immediately brightened when you were finally on the surface once more.

He would give anything to go back to that day. Taking you around the city, watching as you took in various sites you had failed to see, and listening to you go on and on about the comparison of the desert life to life in Fontaine.

He considered that moment his favorite of all time. Shopping, taking walks, and eating a good dinner before you returned home— it's everything a couple would do on their first date.

Except, you weren't a couple.

That was the biggest thing Wriothesley regretted.

He didn't know if you assumed it, or if you didn't assume it, but he had completely forgotten to properly ask you out.

That dainty ring you wore on your finger was a clear sign of some sort of relationship between you and him.

But he wanted the relationship to be clearly stated through words— not just actions.

And because of that, he felt he had failed at doing the bare minimum.

Sighing, he slowly drank at his tea, twirling a pen around on his finger. He desperately wanted to write to you— to see how you were doing, what was going on, and when he could see you again. But you didn't have an exact address in Sumeru; the closest thing you could give to him was the tavern you frequented on weekends.

He wished to see you so badly, that he wanted to take a day off just to dedicate it to you. But there was no possible way he could leave Fontaine— at least, not at the moment.

Honestly, he was so close to just saying /Fuck It/ and taking a one way trip to the desert.

He breathed in the scent of the tea once more, trying to escape his thoughts and just focus on the image he had burned into his head of you. At least that way, he could trick himself into believing you were right there with him.

Standing up, he pushed his chair out from his body and walked towards the back of his office. Pushing the door open, he switched on the lights and locked it shut.

He drank away at the rest of the tea and placed the cup down on his nightstand. He unbuttoned his vest, pulling it off his shoulders and rolling his arms back. He was tired, per usual, but he couldn't find himself wanting to rest yet.

Sitting down on the edge of his bed, he bit his lip, trying to think of a way to pass the time. If anything, he could force himself to go to sleep, but that was unhealthy in its own way.

There was a lot going on in Fontaine. Now with the foretelling of the prophecy on its way in the near future, people were beginning to panic. Over the last few months, prisoners had been complaining about the safety of the Fortress, as well as their own. However, ever since you left, it seemed like all the rebellions and other devious plans had come to a halt. This made Wriothesley wonder if you had been some kind of magnet for trouble.

He laid down, his body exposed onto the crisp air in his room. He had rearranged it a good number of times after your last night spent there. Perhaps he did so because he felt that his mind couldn't escape you.

Closing his eyes, he tried to think about anything else. His heart couldn't take your absence any longer— he almost sent a letter to the Chief Justice about taking some time off.

"Fuck..." He mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows.

He couldn't believe how crazy in love he was within such a short amount of time.

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