Chapter 16

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A few days had gone by since the murder of the man in the Fortress.

It was true how quick word spread around, despite the warnings that were given to the witnesses who were questioned. Now, everyone was panicking as they feared their safety in the underwater prison.

You were currently pounding away at a machine, trying to get a formulated gear from it.

"That's enough. Your work for the day was amazing." A Garde handed you a stack of coupons, watching your chest rise and fall from your heavy breaths.

"Thanks." You stuffed the coupons in your pocket, wiping away the sweat from your forehead. Walking off, you followed the metal trail to the cafeteria to grab yourself a welfare meal.

The chef watched you approach him with eager eyes.

"I'll have my welfare meal today." You told him.

"Here you go." He handed you a box that looked like it had been tampered with.

"Thanks." You took it and walked over to an empty table, slowly opening the box.

"Again?" You stared at the lucky meal steaming from the inside. You had been getting the lucky meal for almost a week now. You started to think that the chef was purposely giving you the meal just because he was attracted to you.

Grabbing the fork and pushing it into the meatballs, you enjoyed your lunch for the day.

"Hey, Y/N."

You looked up at Deakin, who held his lunch box in his hands. "Mind if I sit?"

"Go ahead." You responded.

"Thanks. I hope my meal is the same as yours..." He opened the lid after sitting down, only to see bland food awaiting him.

Laughing, you pushed another meatball into your mouth.

"My luck is horrible." He said, picking up the stale bread.

"Why don't you just use your coupons to get a better meal?" You asked.

"I've been using them to pay off my debts here... I'm basically stripped of them by the end of the day." He said, looking shamefully at his food.

You felt bad for him. You noticed how he sometimes gave a snarky attitude towards new prisoners, but you could tell at heart that he was a good person that was simple just tired from doing the same job repeatedly.

Grabbing a handful of coupons from your pocket, you pushed them to his side of the table.

"...I can't accept this. It's yours." He said, sliding them back to you.

"I have more than enough. Believe me." You smiled and stuffed them into his chest pocket.

After your very few matches in the Pankration Ring, the worker had given you practically a box full of coupons. They were enough to buy you meals from the Fortress everyday until your release.

"How have you been?" Deakin patted his pocket in response, looking back at you.

"I'm alive." You said. "Just waiting to finally see the sunlight once more."

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