Chapter 38

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Wriothesley closed his eyes, trying to slow the pacing of his heart.

"Just ask the Gardes about her. I'm sure one of them knows where she is."

Nodding, he waited while Sigewinne finished her scolding and examination of his body. She gave him some medicine and made him promise that he would get an ample amount of rest the following night.

He walked out of the infirmary, feeling more worried than ever.

His eyes locked onto the first Garde he saw.


The Garde flinched as Wriothesley approached her.

"Y-Yes, Your Grace?" She hesitantly saluted as he stared down at her.

"Have you seen Y/N?"

She fumbled over her words. "A-Apologies, Your Grace, but... I don't know anyone by the name of—"

He walked off, leaving the Garde with a puzzled expression.

The next Garde he approached was more timid than the other.

"Y-Your Grace! T-To what do I o-owe—"

"Have you seen Y/N?"

"Y-Y/N, you say...? A-Ah, sorry, I—"

He walked off again.

"Have you seen Y/N?"

"Ah, greetings, Your Grace." The Garde bowed. "I'm sorry, but I don't know who—"

He furrowed his brows and shoved the Garde aside.

"Have you seen Y/N?"

"Oh? Your Grace! To what do I owe... the... pleasure...?"

Wriothesley's eyes grew smaller and darker as he eyed the Garde down.

He gulped, looking fearfully at him.

"...Have you seen Y/N?"

"Y/N...? Oh, the Pankration Ring hotshot... ah, I ha—"

"When?" Wriothesley took a step closer to the Garde, making him lean back.

"U-Uh... a few days ago, she was walking towards her room... I believe..." The Garde shivered as Wriothesley continued to stare at him.

"Was she with anyone?"


"Was anyone following her?"

"I-I don't believe so..."

Wriothesley pushed him aside and made his way back to his office.

He quickly unlocked the door, slamming it shut as he entered.

He proceeded to go towards his desk, fumbling around at the drawers.

He pulled out a mechanism that was connected throughout all of the Fortress.

Picking it up and walking over to the bookshelf, he shoved the books aside and plugged in the machine.

It flickered on, and he waited until a moving picture popped up.

The security cameras he had installed recently were mainly stationed around both dormitories and the production zone. He looked down at the current date and tapped it.

He dragged his finger along until the date revealed three days prior to the present.

His jaw clenched as he stared down at the footage.

"Where are you..."

He stood there for an hour, waiting for your figure to come into view. He refused to take his eyes off the video, trying to make sure he paid attention to every single moving detail.

Until, your body finally appeared in the corner.

He paused, looking back at past you. He played the video again, watching how you entered the dormitories with no appearances of other people.

Another moment went by of utter silence.


Suddenly, he watched a Garde approach the dorms.

He paused the video and zoomed into his face.


He pressed play, watching how the Garde stepped into the dormitories.

A few seconds later, another approached and headed inside.

Wriothesley's heart pounded in his chest. His mouth became dry as he stared wide eyed at the next portion of the footage.

A muffled shot ringing through the terminal...

...Your body being dragged out of the dormitories...

...Your arms and legs injured and binded behind you...

...With the two Gardes abusing and dragging you off.

His breathing came to a halt. He gripped his fist tightly, sprinting out of his office.

He ran until his legs became numb, all the way back to the dorms.

The Garde watched what he swore at first was a hungry wolf, lusting for blood.

"Y-Your Gr—?!"


Wriothesley gripped his collar, pulling him off the ground and slamming his back onto the wall.

The Garde winced and coughed, grabbing onto Wriothesley's wrists in fear.

Wriothesley's expression was that of pure manic.


He pulled the Garde off the wall and slammed his body against the staircase. The Garde coughed up blood, trying to push back against Wriothesley's brute force.

"I-I don't—!" The Garde felt two cold hands wrap around his throat.

"You have THREE seconds to tell me where SHE is before I KILL YOU IN FRONT OF ALL THESE DAMN PEOPLE."

The Garde felt his throat closing as he scratched on Wriothesley's hands, begging for mercy. Spit fell onto his face from Wriothesley's mouth, a true look of terror spread across his face.

He tried to breathe, but failed. His eyes rolled back while more blood spilled from his mouth.

"...Sol...Soli..." The Garde listened to Wriothesley's growls as his neck began to snap.


Wriothesley's heart stopped for a moment.

He released the Garde, taking a step back.

Panting, he watched as the Garde coughed and sucked in a headful of air.

"...What... the fuck... did you do..." Wriothesley's breathing was staggered as saliva dripped from his mouth.

The Garde coughed, tears flooding from his eyes. "Sh-She... solitary... finement..."

Wriothesley's eye twitched.

"...How long..."

The Garde shook his head, whining.




With that...

...Wriothesley felt like his soul had left his body.

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