Chapter 19

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You were cold. So very cold.

But you didn't know where you were.

No matter how hard you tried, your eyes failed to open. Your body felt heavy, like something was constantly laying down on you. You could barely breathe, each breath feeling like you were inhaling a strange chemical.

You heard voices around you.

You couldn't make them out. They sounded like they were speaking to you underwater. There was a tiny one, and then there was a deeper one.

You wanted to ask who it was, but your jaw refused to open.

That's when you heard a clear voice speak into your ear.

"You're not supposed to be here."

It startled you, but you were still paralyzed.

It felt like your body was drifting heavier and heavier into the abyss.

"Why are you here?"

You grew hazy while allowing your body to fall.

"Go back."

Your body jerked, causing you to faintly notice a light shining onto you.

"They're worried about you."

You shivered.

"He's worried about you."


Your eyes fluttered open.

The sharp smell of bleach shot through your senses, making your stomach grumble. You could feel the coldness of your surroundings brush onto your skin, a sharp pain echoing from your abdomen.

Hoisting yourself up and bending over the edge of the bed, your body squirmed while you gagged and coughed, throwing up.


Sigewinne ran towards your side, the gloves on her fingers pushing the hair out of your face.

Your body didn't allow you to react to her presence as you vomited a strange colored liquid from your stomach. You continued, feeling like your soul was pouring out of you.

"Thank the Archons!" Sigewinne removed her gloves, patting your back. You felt a strange cord tying around it.

"Blegh!" You threw up again, your body shaking.

"Here, lie back down." Sigewinne picked your head up, watching you struggle to breathe. She gently laid you back onto a soft platform as you finally gazed upon your surroundings.

"...Ugh... I feel like shit..." You mumbled, watching Sigewinne's hands guide towards your stomach.

"I need you to take a deep breath for me." She said.

You were confused, but you did as she said. Taking a long inhale, you held it as a sharp pain pulled from your stomach.

You yelped at the feeling, watching her pull a clear tube from your belly button.

"There. It's over." She said, wiping away the tear that fell from your eye. "I'm so relieved you're back."

"What was that?" You looked at the tube as she placed it on the table next to you.

"I was going to pump your stomach, but to my surprise, you woke up on your own." Sigewinne smiled. "You've been through a lot."

You tried to jog your memory. The last thing you could remember was walking towards the Pankration Ring before you felt yourself collapsing on the ground.

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