Chapter 18

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Solitary confinement was the last place you would want to find yourself within the Fortress.

It was freezing cold, and you were left alone in the dark until someone was to open the large door that was the only entrance and exit to the enclosure.

Wriothesley grabbed the key from his pocket and pushed it inside the door, turning it clockwise until the first gear shifted.

Putting in the passcode, another click was heard.

The door released on its hinges, and Wriothesley pulled it open, fixing his mechanic glove on his dominant hand.

A man sat inside, shaking as his limbs were bound by chains.

Wriothesley let the door open, allowing the only source of warm air to flow into the enclosure.

The man shivered, opening his frozen eyes as he looked up at Wriothesley.

"P-Please..." The man stuttered, fog escaping from his breath into the icy room.

Wriothesley looked at his mechanic glove, securing it over his knuckles. "Begging now, are we?"

"I-I'll do a-anything... j-just... let... me go..." The man's words were too separated, making Wriothesley frown.

"You did this to yourself, Dourgie. You just couldn't stop at the Beret Society, could you?" Wriothesley stepped closer to the man, looking at the frozen blood beneath him.

He whined in response.

"You sound like a dog." Wriothesley knelt down, gripping Dourgie's hair and pulling his face up to him. "I should tame you like one."

"Please..." He repeated his plea, looking at Wriothesley with begging eyes.

But Wriothesley knew no mercy.

He was a murderer, after all.

"Beg some more, like the dog you are." Punching his jaw and listening to a crack, Dourgie winced in pain as blood poured from his mouth.


He hit him once more in the same area.


Gripping his throat, he used his opposite hand to hit his chest.


Gritting his teeth, he released him from his grasp, watching him cough and shake. The chains rattled with his vibration, scratching against the ice.

"Talk." Wriothesley demanded.

Dourgie finally gave in. This method of torture was far too much for him to handle now.

"Th-The Primordial water... I got it from the secret ro-room in your office... A man let me in... I took it and f-forced Wolsey to mix it in his dishes... That's all I-I did..."

Wriothesley took a deep exhale, feeling the sheer temperature of the enclosure brush onto his skin.

"And who is this man you speak of?"

Dourgie stammered once again.

"H-He goes b-by... D-Deakin..."

Wriothesley's eyes widened.

"...Please... let me go..." Dourgie coughed again, his broken jaw not allowing him to speak properly.

"Alright." Wriothesley walked behind him, using the key to unhook the chains holding him up. He fell down in response, his body immediately curling up into a ball.

Turning around, Wriothesley walked out of the cold space.

"W-wait..." Dourgie watched as Wriothesley began shutting the door. "Y-You said you... would let me go...!"

Wriothesley let a smile play at his lips.

"I did, didn't I?"

Dourgie's eyes widened at his expression.

"It's like you said. We're all criminals down here. We're born one..."

Closing the door, he got a last look at Dourgie's bloody face.

"...and we die like one."


Three days had passed since the Fortress was swept clean by the Gardes. Every hidden vial of Primordial water was confiscated from Deakin's room, and he was placed in a cell for interrogation. Everyone involved with his wicked plan was placed under arrest as well.

Wriothesley paced back and forth in his office, refusing to sit down. He couldn't even make himself a proper cup of tea to sooth his anxiety.

Three days. He kept repeating in his head. Three days.

Turning on his heel and moving back over to the opposite side of his office, he heard Sigewinne's voice call out to him.

He immediately turned around, hoping that she would bear good news of Y/N.

But her face was pale.

"She still hasn't woken up..."

Wriothesley stood in place, sighing. "What now?"

"I'm prepping her for surgery." Sigewinne looked at Wriothesley's worried face. "The pumping machine is warming up, and I'm giving her anesthetics to make sure she doesn't come to during the process."

Wriothesley's heart skipped a beat. He looked down at Sigewinne in defeat.

"It's alright." Sigewinne started. "I'll make sure she's going to be okay."

It wasn't reassuring enough for him, but he took her words with a grain of salt. Sigewinne turned to walk out of his office, waiting for the door to shut until he started pacing about his office again.

His thoughts were clouded.

What is she to me?

Pacing faster, he clenched his fist repeatedly.

What am I to her?

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