Chapter 2

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Paperwork was very tedious. No matter how quickly or slowly he got done with it, he swore his eyesight was getting worse and worse every time he read and signed off onto a document.

Wriothesley looked at the watch resting on his wrist, realizing night was approaching. He quickly read through the last paper in his hands, using his pen to sign his name at the bottom.

Groaning and cracking his knuckles, he pushed himself back into his chair, closing his eyes.

Did he really need an assistant? It would definitely make his work easier than it has been recently.

But then again, he chose this life. He couldn't exactly back down from it now.

Groaning, he listened to a knock at the door. Not opening his eyes, he spat out a harsh "Come in."

"Hi, Wriothesley~"

He listened to Sigewinne's voice trickle in his ears. Opening his eyes and sitting up, he cleared his throat and picked up the stack of papers from his desk.

"What brings you here?" He asked, trying to make it appear as if he was busy.

"I brought you a treat!" She skipped over to the side of his desk, pushing a purple milkshake to his side.

He cringed at the sight, remembering back to her last 'treat' she had given him.

"Oh, are you busy?" She looked at the papers in his hands as he shifted through them.

"Yeah. Gotta sign all of these papers by the end of the day." He lied, hoping she would leave him and his exhaustion alone.

"They're all signed, though." She pointed to his signature at the bottom of one document, making him groan.

"Fine. You caught me." He threw his head back and let the papers fall onto his desk.

"Don't you remember anything I told you last time? You need to take better care of yourself!" Sigewinne poked his arm, making him sigh.

"I'm fine. This isn't anything I can handle. It's just boring." He said, staring up at the ceiling.

"If you want, I know someone who would be perfect as your assisstant."

"I don't need an assistant." Wriothesley sat up, trying to ignore the milkshake next to him. "An assistant is nothing more than just someone I would have to babysit."

"It'll put your mind at ease, though. And you'll be able to rest more often. You can't keep pulling all nighters. You'll just wear yourself out." Sigewinne's cheeks puffed out, clearly from frustration.

Caving in, Wriothesley spoke. "Fine. But only for a week."

"Great!" Sigewinne cheered, pulling out a sticker from her pocket and placing it on his cheek. "I'm going to go find them."

Sigewinne pranced out, leaving Wriothesley alone to his thoughts once more.

He was so tired, that he wasn't even tired.

How was that possible?

Groaning, he tried to think of something to do until he could finally pass out for the night.

Gazing at his knuckles, he figured he would head to the Pankration Ring and knock himself out.


"Ha! You're pretty strong, girl."

Wriothesley had signed his name on the guest list after entering the ring, despite knowing that he didn't need to do so. Everyone knew him. But he liked to leave his mark indicating that he was there.

"Your Grace! Good to see you again." A worker walked over to him after he finished jotting his signature.

"Good to be back." He replied. "Is there a match going on?"

"Indeed. In fact, one of the new prisoners is challenging our recent winner." The worker said.

"A newbie? Here?" Wriothesley tilted his head.

"Yeah, she's pretty amazing. I mean, they've been going back and forth now, but he hasn't been able to land a hit on her!" The worker replied with a soft cheer. "Looks like a lot of people are going to lose their bets."

Wriothesley furrowed his brows. A girl? Challenging the recent winner? If he remembered correctly, the last person to win a match was fairly strong. He even found himself wanting to take him up in a fight.

He walked over to the front stage of the ring. Going up the stairs and catching view of the fight, he looked down at the tired man who was struggling to stand up.

"Agh... that one hurt..." The man held his stomach, coughing up blood.

Looking in front of him, Wriothesley noticed the girl the worker mentioned.

She held her hands on her hips, her body toned and tanned. Her muscles were more exposed, and her eyes were bright with fury. Her outfit was all too revealing, and it didn't match the occasional clothing that Fontaine women typically wore. They were always covered up, hiding everything but the skin on their face.

She laughed, making Wriothesley focus more onto her.

"You done yet?"

The man coughed, spitting out some more blood from his mouth. "As if."

He slowly stood up, pulling up his fists. He wore boxing gloves, wrapped in chains that would seriously hurt if it connected with someone's body. The girl, however, seemed unfazed by this.

"Come on! I bet a lot of coupons on you, you know!" A man shouted out beside Wriothesley.

"Get her!" Another cheered.

The man charged at the girl, aiming his fist right for her face. She dodged it with ease and turned around, using her elbow to connect with the man's spine. He winced in audible pain, but she wasn't done.

Grabbing his hair and pulling him back, she delivered a nasty blow to his abdomen. She motioned her arm up, pushing the man with great strength to send him back across the ring.

The man fell to the ground after hitting the pole that held the ropes surrounding ring. He landed on his face, going limp.

"K.O.!" The worker called out.

"No way..."

"She just did that as if it was nothing!"

"My coupons..."

Wriothesley heard the murmurs around him as the worker grabbed the girl's hand and hoisted it up.

"Y/N has won!"

"Finally." Wriothesley thought to himself.
"A challenge."

Tamed || Wriothesley x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن