I hear Margot through the door, "It's mommy sweetheart." She looks back at me to make sure she can open the door. I nod and she pulls open the door. "Hi mommy!" She says and hugs her. Margot is smiling so big at her and then she looks at me her smile instantly dropping into a glare. I look at her confused at why she's looking at me that way. "Spencer, go tell your grandma goodbye." She says and Spencer runs off to find my mom.

"So when were you going to tell me that you are pushing for more than 50/50 custody." She spits and I defend, "Who told you that?"
"My lawyer told me, and you aren't denying it. Easton you will never have her for more than 50/50." She says and I am starting to get irritated, "Margot, we may have our issues but I do want Spencer in my life and if even I had the time for more than 50/50 I wouldn't do that to you are especially her."

"I'm sorry I don't know why I thought you would do that. I think it's just my lawyer wanting a big fight to get more money out of me. You need to be careful about this Easton for Spencer's sake. I don't want you to lose her." She says and before I can ask what she means Spencer is back and giving me a hug goodbye. As they leave I have this weird feeling in my chest but then that feeling vanishes when I feel two arms wrap around my middle.

"Everything alright?" She asks and I turn around, "Margot's lawyer told her I was pushing for full custody but I set her straight but then she said that I need to be careful and that she doesn't want me to lose Spencer. I just feel like she's hiding something from me regarding Spencer."

"Do you think she'll try to have full custody because of basketball." She asks and I shrug, "I don't know what I think of Margot. She's like a whole different person to me now. I feel like I don't even know her."

She grabs my face gently and kisses me. That kiss melts away all worries and I wrap my arms around her deepening the kiss. I hear my mom in the kitchen and it makes me break the kiss. She looks up at me with a confused look and I nod towards the kitchen.

"I'm sorry we don't have much privacy." I say and she smiles pulling out her phone. She makes a phone call.
"Hey MK, yes we made up. Moving on are you and Ash going to be gone for the next couple days?" She asks and I lean in closer to her phone try to hear MK on the other end but she puts her hand in my face and pushes me away. I try push back in but she holds my face away and I lick the palm of her hand. She pulls her hand away and wipes it on my shirt.

"Thanks! I love you too. Safe travels" She says and she hangs up. "We can stay at MK and Ashley's, well if you want?"

"Of course I want." I say and she smiles then pecks my lips. I head to the kitchen pulling her behind me. "Hey Mom." I say and she smiles up at us, "Yes, sweetheart?"

"I'm just letting you know that I'm gonna go stay at MK's." She stops doing the dishes and look at Lizzie. "Do you think that's a good idea right now?" She asks and I sigh, "Honestly Mom yes I've been apart from her for too long. I know that Margot isn't waiting to be away from Tom. Now I know you're going to say don't fight fire with fire but I'm not doing that. I love her and you know I always have. Now stop calling her Elizabeth and call her Lizzie." She glares at me.

"Christy, I understand why you are angry with me. I broke Easton heart all those years ago but I know you know it was for the best he was going to give up his scholarship for me. I wasn't going to let him ruin that chance. There wasn't a day that went by where it didn't kill me that I hurt him. I'm here now and I'm not doing that again. I love him too and Spencer." She says and I can see my mom soften. "Okay, I'm sorry Lizzie sweetheart but you have to understand he's my baby."

"I know and I'm going to protect your baby from now on." She says and then my mom laughs walking over to us and hugging her. 

We head over to MK's and they are just getting ready to leave. "Easton!" MK shrieks and she runs up to me jumping on me to hug me. "Well hello MK." I say surprised and I look over to Lizzie. She is giving me a not impressed look at her sister hanging off me. I drop my arms to my sides and MK noticed and drops off of me.

"Lets go Ashley, leave these two to reminisce." MK says awkwardly giving Lizzie a hug to most likely kiss up for the hugging me. Once they are out the door I turn to Lizzie and lean in for a kiss but she puts her hand on my chest. "What?" I ask and she raises an eyebrow pokes her tongue slightly out in her cheek. Not gonna lie it's a pretty hot but I focus not the time.

"You can't let my sister hug you like that anymore." She says and I go to laugh but her look tells me not to. "What do you mean? It was just a normal hug after not seeing her for a while."

"She jumped on you like I would hug you after not seeing you for a while. Plus finding out that you two have fucked I don't like her hands on you like that." She says and my eyes widen at her vulgar mouth.

"You're right it will be strictly sister hugs. I promise." I say rubbing my hands up and down her arms. I lean down and I stop with our lips almost touching waiting for her to decide whether to kiss me. She steps closer and kisses me.

She kisses me so hard and passionately that I forget everything we were just talking about. I move my hands down to her waist. She pulls away from the kiss. Looking up at me she whispers, "Take me to bed."

After All This TimeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora