48 | Aurora - Jade

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✧.* Aurora ✧.*

Even if Jade was unaware of the true events before his arrival, I would still be dishonest to myself and others around me if I claimed that listening to his hurtful comments hadn't broken my heart.

After all that had occurred to me in the past, I allowed him to be near me more than anybody else, which is why my heart was torn like never before and how deeply he affected me. Even though he was well acquainted with me, he was blind to reality when it came to his fury and rage.

Though it wasn't his fault, he acted out of impulse and rage that had been abruptly triggered by the traumatic history he had been living through for so long. However, I thought he would at least give me an opportunity to explain.

I guess I was wrong.

People are always selfish when it comes to their pain, even if someone wasn't the one to cause it.

A part of me was shaking and hurt due to the sudden happenings that took place today in Christian's room, but another part of me was confused and scared.

The other part of me was only thinking about Kiara, Christian, and Jade.

Everything that happened today was purely a set-up by Kiara.

I could feel it in every nerve of my body. Her sudden appearance in their lives again, her trying to apologize, the manipulation that I had sensed from her every time she was around.

It can't be a coincidence.

'It's happening again; she's done it again.'

'Just go. Leave me right now, please.'

'Just go for now, Aurora, before it's too late.'

Christian's voice from earlier echoed every time in my head whenever my mind wandered back to the events of today. Kiara wasn't someone she was portraying; she has more to it that I still don't know about.

I have to know what Christian meant when he said all those things.

"I am sorry, Aurora." Nick's voice echoes in the living room as he comes with a coffee mug in hand. "Here. Have this."

He sits beside me on the chair before handing me coffee. After he and I left the apartment, he drove us straight to the farmhouse, for which Adrian gave us the keys.

Nick was practically staying with us in Jade's apartment, and he wouldn't let me stay alone in the hotel no matter how I tried to persuade him. So, we are here now.

"I could have brought us back to my old house here," he said, and I looked at him. "But no one has lived there for years. It must be dusty and dirty."

"It's okay, Nick." I smiled, although I was disheartened. "I am fine."

He looked at me as I sipped my coffee. "Stop lying, Aurora." A sigh sounds from him while I avoid making any eye contact with him. "I know you are hurt, little sister." He softly mumbled.

"No, I am-" My voice cracks as I speak, and only then did I realize that he was right.

I was not okay.

It hurt.

"I am sorry." A silent sob escaped my lips as I tried not to cry.

"You don't have to be sorry." He places his palm on my shoulder. "It's him who should be. I am going to break his fucking face."

"No, Nick." I place my cup on the table near me before wiping my tears. "It wasn't his fault."

"Are you seriously trying to defend that piece of shit right now?" His voice sounded stern.

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