41 | Jade - Aurora

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✧.* Jade ✧.*

The days I had spent with Aurora would rank among my favourite memories if someone were to ask me to list them.

She is the best thing that could ever happen to me.

I would have laughed in their faces and possibly hit them if someone had told the old Jade, who had never known Aurora, that I would be whipped over by my therapist and would do all in my ability to keep her with me and to keep her safe.

But now, everything seems so unreal yet so true.

Just like a dream where you can actually feel everything that is happening to you.

"This silence is killing me now." Nick lets out a sigh and takes a sip of his wine. "Stop with the awkward silence already, all of you."

Considering my past behaviour, my brothers and best friend made the decision to have a little talk with me about everything that has been happening on lately after Aurora and I arrived in the evening.

When we got back to the apartment, Aurora had to deal with our awkward smiles and stated she wanted to rest. As a result, she was sleeping upstairs in her room.

And here I was, sitting in the center of everyone's stares and the odd looks directed towards me.

Too much for being the youngest in the family.

"Talk, Jade." Adrian's voice caught my attention and brought me back to where I was.

I sighed. "What do you want me to say?" I look at them. "You know everything."

"That's the point." Christian says. "We know everything, including your present and past."

I roll my eyes. "It's past, Christian. This is me now." I point my finger toward me. "I wouldn't have given a fuck about anything around me if it was the old me; you know it very well."

It was true. Before, Jade wouldn't have given a damn because he was so worn out and over it all.

But now, things were different because she was here.

"You realize that she is still here as your therapist?" Christian raises a brow. "I know that for you or for us, it's not that way, but for her workplace, it is. Her job is at stake if the word ever comes out."

I place my glass of wine on the table. "Are you planning to tell them?" I look at Christian. "Because you sound so confident about that."

"That's not what he means, and you know it." Adrian's stern voice makes me look at him. "You cannot just hide things forever; she eventually has to return with something on you considering she's here because of you in the first place."

Things that Adrian and Christian were currently trying to explain to me had always crossed my mind, but I had always ignored it in an effort to avoid facing reality.

I guess I can't anymore.

"Talk to her about it, J." Nick said. "You both have to come to an agreement."

"He's right." Christian looks at me. "Things aren't as simple between you two as it seems, now that you two are involved with each other beyond professional boundaries."

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