A Lot Beehind

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Annie eventually finished her college classes online, most of her tutoring came from her four babysitters. Sometimes from her little friends and sometimes from Daddy or Dada. She could only go back to the campus once she was considered an adult vampire to keep all of the human students safe. And it was a long time before that happened.

It took 347 years for Annie to be considered an adult vampire, it typically took approximately 200 years. It didn't even take Molly as long as Annie. She was on the slowest end even for littles. When she was human, she stressed a lot about being a little behind. Now that she was a vampire, it didn't really matter. She had love and happiness, it didn't matter if her life journey looked a little different than most.

When her maturity was approximately like a ten year old human, her mom got the last day she wanted plus more surprises that made her last week the best ever. When her elderly body began relying on her Dom’s blood for pain relief to get through the day. She recorded a video for Big Annie and gave it to Felipe, she knew Annie probably wouldn't be big enough to understand her longer last goodbye as a vampire with the maturity of a child. Her big headspace came and went sporadically and it was rare.

The last time Annie saw her mom, they had the most amazing day ever, then she cried for months because she couldn't understand why GG and Duke were babysitting her but her mom wasn't there. She couldn't grasp the concept. She had died too but she still was there to play.

They decided to put her back into daycare to distract her from her grief for a while. She technically was allowed to for years but her time with her mom was limited. She was too little to process that her mom had chosen to die a human’s death.

She talked to her little friends about it.

Molly and Beau were orphans so didn't mourn their parents with the added intensity of baby vampire feelings. Molly mostly grieved the Dom-less pet play human guests who stayed with them for a few days at a time. She would get attached and then, like her guinea pig, they would run out of time with their fragile human life.

Louisa and Zadie were born in human families. Zadie, like Annie, got some visits with her parents before they passed. But she wasn't babysat by them which probably would have been a good idea or a bad idea. It may have been easier to mourn someone who you already got used to living without already.

Louisa was a mess during her baby vampire years and by the time she was okay again, her parents had long passed. Unlike Zadie, she had a human brother and she often enjoyed friendships with his descendants or sometimes just polite conversations. She particularly enjoyed reaching out when she was mature enough and hearing all about her brother and their parents from his grandchildren’s perspectives.

Nate didn't have the same experience as the others. Ms Ashwiyaa rescued him from his parents who weren't really nice to him. He was born in the 1800s in a girl’s body and humans weren't nearly as accepting of people's differences as they were now.

They wanted him to be more feminine than he wanted to be and marry a man which he definitely didn't want to do either. Their idea of discipline was often cruel but then his Mama rescued him and took him away.

She got special permission to claim him when he was fourteen and not sixteen, which was the former age of consent in the 1800s. Humans would have most likely continued to be cruel to the ‘tomboy who didn't follow social norms’ if she left him at an orphanage full of human girls. And Ashwiyaa was already attached and concerned for him.

Even though he was claimed at fourteen, they still waited until he was sixteen for his Mama to feed on his blood, which was proper. The anti-grooming law hadn't been created yet so the concern that you couldn't claim an underage human that you cared for never came up for them at the time.

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