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After Annie had been asleep for two weeks, she started to wake up. She stirred in her sleep and by the time Dada had raced to her room, she only just started to open her eyes. But she still couldn't see anything because Dada had put a blindfold on her and her wrists were still in restraints. She was confused until she remembered what had happened and that this was normal.

She remembered in dream-like flashes her trying to pick up the vicious bee but it didn't like that. So it stung Annie and hurt more than anything else she ever felt. She remembered her Daddies and doggy brother hollering but she couldn't make out any of the voices in her memory. The only thing she could remember clearly was Dada telling Daddy to drain her.

And he did.

Daddy chose to save her and spend forever with her.

Her vampire dad had explained to her, even before she took the vampire class in college, about the stages of a turning. She probably tried to hurt herself or others while she was asleep but she couldn't remember. The restraints were normal during a turning. The blindfold was normal because vampires couldn't handle lights in the beginning.

“Little bee, can you hear me?” Dada asked and she tried to speak but she couldn't and her throat made a scratchy noise because she hadn't drank anything for two weeks.

The bed shifted as the person beside her got up. It must have been Henri because his tail brushed her arm as he left. She whined because the absence of Henri and his soft fur weighed on her soul. There was nothing else that she needed right now more than cuddles from her doggy brother.

“It's okay, baby bee. We’re here.” That didn't help because who was ‘we’? The only person or thing she could think about right now in her infant vampire mind was Henri and his tail. So her whines turned to cries.

But suddenly there was a bottle of blood in her mouth. “Here you go, little vicious bee.” Henri! He was back! Annie smiled as she drank the human blood he fed her.

“She is probably alright to take the restraints off.” Dada said but she was having trouble figuring out the voices and the language they were speaking. She rarely spoke in babyspace but she always understood what was being said.

Although most of the time, she ignored people unless they had Cheerios or a bottle for her because what use are ya if you don't feed the baby. As far as Annie was concerned, the worst part about babyspace was the inability to open a box of Cheerios for herself.

The moment the restraints were off, the baby reached for Henri's tail and snuggled into him while he fed her. She could only properly focus on what was in front of her. And she wanted that to not just be the bottle, but Henri too. Henri was her safe space in the dark and confusing world she was currently in.

Daddy did softly brushed her hair back with his hand but she couldn't decipher who that was in her infant vampire mind. But whoever it was, felt really nice and she wished she could spend forever getting cared for by that hand.

“She’s doing well. She's right on time for waking up. We will try removing the blindfold when the sun goes down. Of course, it's not unlikely she will need it even at night time for the first few weeks. Don't expect much speech from her for the first while and the restraints will be on an as needed basis.” Jimmy explained to Felipe and Henri.

“Understood, doctor.” Felipe replied. He already knew all that, he had already turned both Jimmy and Henri himself. Even though he was the lead Dom of their dynamic legally, Jimmy took charge in all medical matters. It just made sense.

The same way Felipe took charge of their home security. Jimmy would often say it was a bit over the top for a typical home but as far as Felipe was concerned, protecting his dynamic was as important as keeping the Boss safe.

And Annie had woken up as a healthy vampire. His dynamic was finally safe and sound again. Felipe let out the anxious breath he had been holding in for two weeks since his baby bee made that blood chilling scream.

She was safe. She was going to be with them forever. That's all that matters.

The Little Lost Bee (a DDlg story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz