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Annie had shared her lunch and her afternoon snack with Gabby and Nate. But she made sure to take a blood juice box over to Mr Felipe. She didn't want him to miss any meals either. He was doing big and important work! He was so good at doing big work, he didn't even light anything on fire!


Mr Felipe was still there the next morning. “Did you go home to sleep Mr Felipe or did you work through the night like a boring big?”

Mr Felipe laughed. “Yes, little one. I went home to sleep. Did you have a good sleep?”

“Yes. Beddy and BB like sleeping in the crib at Miss Susie’s.”

“BB is your bee stuffie.” Nodded to the stuffie in Annie's hand. “Who’s Beddy?”

“Oh…” Annie blushed. “I umm… also have a teddy bear named Beddy… but…”

“Do you leave that stuffie at home?”

“No… I used to.” Annie blushed more. “But Miss Susie always puts her in my bag. But I don't like showing her off…” Annie pouted. She didn't know why she was telling this man she had just met yesterday about her biggest regret.

“Why not?”

Annie blushed and against her better judgement, she went to her bag and got Beddy out. She couldn't look Mr Felipe in the eye as she showed him her beat up teddy with a missing eye button, lost stuffing and was held together with a safety pin.

“Oh, it looks like your teddy needs a bit of doctoring. When was the last time your babysitter or caregiver took her to the stuffie doctor?”

“Stuffie doctor?”

“Yes, little one. I'll go get a first aid kit.” Annie had never heard about a stuffie doctor before. Felipe had learned from Theo, the Daddy Dom, who often “visited” his dynamic that littles often wrecked their stuffies and their caregivers needed to fix them or secretly replace them.

Theo’s Louisa was a brat who was also a switch so she was a rare little who knew about it. She would often take advantage of this. She also wasn't very attached to a specific teddy bear because she was a bratty teenager in both middle and big headspaces. Her newer baby headspace wasn't exactly a good girl either.

So she knew her teddy bear would reanimate like a cuddly Chucky Doll. She would do things like blow her teddy bear up with fireworks or throw it off a building. “For science.”

He never understood wanting to be a Daddy Dom, especially to a brat. One of the many reasons why Theo just “visited” them and never moved in. Theo’s littles would also come first for him. The three of them respected that and kept their relationship with Theo casual but consistent.

Felipe got the first aid kit and brought it over to Annie. He then told her to come sit with him at the closest table. The other littles already sitting there looked between the random security guard and the new little and left the table. They didn't want any part of whatever she was getting investigated for.

“She just needs a little bit of sewing up, little one.” Caregivers took an entire class on how to maintain stuffies. As head of security, Felipe's sewing skills were primarily used for stitching people up. The mildly intense stitching that his team needed but they didn't want to go to the hospital for, Jimmy made house calls for.

Felipe just hoped whoever became this little one’s Caregiver could do a better job. There was some extra stuffing in the first aid kit so he stuck that into Beddy, so she was looking a bit more plump again. He sewed up her back so she no longer needed the safety pin. There were no buttons in the first aid kit so he cut one off his shirt. It almost matched and he didn't really need it as much as Beddy.

“There you go, little one.” Felipe handed Annie back her Beddy.

Annie gasped and smiled. “She looks so much better, Mr Felipe! Thank you! Thank you!”

“It's nothing, little one. I should get back to work now.”

Annie ran around the table and gave Mr Felipe a hug. She then ran off with both Beddy and BB. Beddy was no longer afraid to be seen by the littles at daycare!

The Little Lost Bee (a DDlg story)Where stories live. Discover now