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Annie still wasn't ready to start crawling yet when her dad and doggy brother visited. She was just about ready to take the blindfold off at night but not quite. Each time Dada tried she had screamed and clung to Henri.

She absentmindedly played with Henri’s and Duke’s tails as she laid in bed. They were snuggling with her. Her dad had come over to give her a hug but she cared more about the soft fur than the man she couldn't recognise as an infant vampire.

She had only recognised her doggy brothers and it helped that they didn't talk much either. Their barks and sounds made more sense to her than the others chatting in the distance in a strange language.

Her human mother was unable to visit as she was on a ward of infant vampires with zero self control yet. Even the ones not yet crawling would find the ability to locate and harm the human passing by. Her mother spoke to her through a video chat on her dad's phone and she very much liked the sound of the nice lady speaking to her in a language she couldn't understand. The nice lady made some funny baby noises that Annie understood and giggled at.

“She's making marvellous progress, dear.” Her dad said to her mom.

“Does she still have a bee allergy?” Her mother asked.

“No, dear. Vampires do not have allergies.” Her dad replied.

“We confirmed that with an allergy test. In rare cases, vampires do bring their human allergies with them after being turned.” Dr Jimmy corrected.

Her dad made a disgruntled ‘hmmph!’ sound. He very much disliked being corrected by a young vampire who probably couldn't even remember a time before the internet! Correcting HIM! As far as he was concerned, neither of these two ‘Daddies’ were good enough for his Annie.

She was his little girl first. He was certain that the doggy had the brains, not the Doms, in the dynamic that claimed his little girl from him. He had hoped she would settle down closer to their hometown but now there was certainly no way her dynamic would leave the city, neither of her Doms would ever take a demotion and leave the headquarters and the hospital near it.

He would have to settle for occasional visits and watching his little girl spend eternity being happy with two idiot Pet Doms masquerading as Daddies. He had never wanted a baby before Annie but he loved her mother so. Her mother refused to become a vampire so he thought the next best thing was to continue her line.

And now they had Annie. The perfect little girl snatched away by two idiots who barely know how to take care of a little girl. 22 years was a blink of an eye to a vampire and that was when they sent her away to college.

She insisted on going immediately, he tried to convince her to defer a year or two. Especially when she kept failing her coursework. But she had wings that needed to fly.

22 years, gone as quickly as the flap of a bee’s wings.

When it was time to go, he kissed her on the forehead and she smiled. “Goodbye my little darling. Dad will be here in two weeks again. I need to work in the morning.”

She silently waved buh byes which was a promising sign that she at least understood a bit of what he said. Which somehow also made his heart ache more. She wasn't officially claimed yet by Felipe when she was a human. But now, Felipe was her vampire parent and Daddy. They were official.

It wasn't too long ago that she called him Daddy and was entirely dependent on him to be her inexperienced daddy and parent. But now she had Felipe for that, and he was left with scraps of not enough time to visit. She didn't even carry with her a bit of his blood, as they weren't technically related, but she carried Felipe's now as part of her turning.

She waved another goodbye directed in the wrong direction as he watched his blindfolded daughter from the door. Which felt to further cement his position as a visitor in her life now. He felt a pang of sadness because he did not have more time as the only Dom in her life and a pang of regret for not appreciating more of the time they did have together. For every missed dinner and overtime worked.

“Goodbye, Annie. Two weeks. Come along, Duke.”

Duke had already said his goodbyes and gave a small bark and followed his Dom.

With every step, he felt the increasing distance between him and his daughter in his soul.

The Little Lost Bee (a DDlg story)Where stories live. Discover now