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Daddy sat down with Annie on the rocking chair in her room. She wanted to continue playing with Henri in the living room but he insisted this was an important chat. She disagreed because nothing was more important than building a block tower and knocking it down to her at the moment. But Daddy was the boss and was… normally right.

Okay, always right. Daddy did know best but it didn't mean she always had to be happy about it.

“I wanted to talk to you about your dad.”

“Today?!?!” Her dad and Duke visited every second weekend like normal. Her human mom could only video chat though. She couldn't keep track of the days so it was always a good surprise when they came.

“No, it's Tuesday, baby bee.”

“Oh.” Annie pouted and was unsure how close that was to her dad's weekend visit. “To-meow-ow?”

“No, baby bee. And that's what I needed to discuss with you. Your dad got a promotion.”

Annie scrunched up her nose. “What pro-ocean, Daddy?”

“It means he's moving to the same city as us.”

Annie's eyes lit up and ran and looked out her window. She had to squint her eyes from the painful sun so she could see a couple of houses down the street. “Here?!?!”

“Not the same street, baby bee. And come away from the window, Annie. You will hurt your eyes.”

“Otay, Daddy.” Annie adjusted the curtains and came back to Daddy's lap. Felipe was grateful that the bright light no longer caused a tantrum. They would have had to start over again. This conversation was best for big headspace but this was the best he could get from an infant vampire.

“Annie, he's moving closer and will be able to visit you more often and-”

“Yay!!” Annie clapped her hands excitedly. She missed Duke and her dad when they weren't here. She wished her dad, her mom and Duke could move in with Daddy, Dada, Henri and her. But dad and Daddy were meanies and said that's not how dynamics work.

They said children are supposed to grow up and find their own dynamics. She reasoned that she was a little and would never grow up, not really. And she was needy so she wouldn't be too spoiled for having four Caregivers and two doggy brothers.

They tried to explain the differences between Caregiver Doms and parents but that wasn't helpful. She was a vampire so her Doms no longer drank her blood, the option was there for bonding reasons though. And the buzzing bees feeling it gave her was fun. But she also didn't give her Doms icky kisses. And spankies were dumb so they could just cut that out and she'd be a happy bee anyway.

They tried to reason that there was not enough space for her dad’s other subs which were her aunties and uncles. She said they could just 'get lost in the move’, especially her cat uncle because Duke always said cat subs are up to no good. Her doggy brothers barked in agreement and excitingly lured the baby away from her debate.

“The other thing is that because you are still too little to go back to daycare, your Auntie GG would like to babysit you.” Her mom also wanted to fill the role of little babysitter for her daughter but she wasn't able to until Annie was further along in her maturity. Annie wouldn't be able to be alone with a human until her human mom had passed on. And there was no reason to get Annie excited and disappointed by bringing her mom up right now.

“Auntie GG?” Auntie GG was kinda her favourite auntie or uncle. Gustava was a bit like the grandmother she never had and her name was too difficult for Annie to say when she was an actual baby.

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