When Nora Falls In Love

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My eye's flung open, greeting the morning rays that seeped through my window. As the haze of sleep lifted, a sudden realization washed over me like a tidal wave. I gasped, my heart pounding in my chest, as I finally acknowledged the truth that had been concealed within the depths of my being. Unbeknownst to my own conscious mind, I had harbored a profound affection for Armas all along. My emotions, tightly guarded and hidden from myself, now surged forward with a fierce intensity. A whirlwind of thoughts and memories engulfed me, causing me to tremble with a mix of excitement and apprehension. It was as if the floodgates of my heart had been flung open, and I could no longer ignore the torrent of emotions that cascaded through my very being.

I couldn't waste anymore time. I've been foolish enough. I hastily throw on my clothes and dashed down the stairs, my heart pounding with determination. I couldn't keep my feelings for Armas hidden any longer. As I hurried out the door, I tuned out my mother's concerned calls, my mind solely focused on the task at hand. I knew this was the moment to finally confess my true feelings for Armas. The anticipation and urgency filled the air, making every step I took feeling more significant than ever before.

My heart pounds with anticipation as I race down the road towards Armas' house. The moment I have been waiting for is finally here- the moment to confess my true feelings to him. With each step, I gather my courage, determined to lay my heart bare. As I reach his doorstep, I take a deep breath and press the doorbell, my excitement fueling my every move.

Armas opens the door and a look of worry appears on his face. "Nora, it's eight in the morning, is everything okay?", He says, stepping outside and closing the door behind him.

"I was a fool. And a liar. I should of just admitted how I felt from the beginning, then none of this would of happened. I like you Armas- like really like you", I admitted, and a light of relief falls upon me.

"Where is this all coming from?", He asks, with a shocked smile.

"From the most hidden part of my heart", I respond. "I liked you all this time. I just did not want to admit it because I was worried about my father and Sebastian, what would they think?", I say.

"I spoke to Sebastian and he said, he does not mind", Armas says, with a low tone.

"My father would not be happy if we are together. You know that".

"That does not mean we can't still be friends. If being friends means that I spend time with you, then so be it. We don't have to be more if we can't be. I just want to be around you, Nora", He confesses.

"I want to be around you too", I smile.

"Well, in what well did I throw a penny. This is probably the luckiest morning I've had", He chuckles, and I join him. "Do you want to come inside?", He asks.

"I should get going. My mom is probably worried", I say.

"Will I see you later?", He asks.

"Maybe", I say, and he raises his eyebrows. "Yes", I smile. I walk away from his doorstep as he walks into his house.

I didn't want to admit that I liked him. I don't even know why. I guess I was afraid to love him, I think I still am. All I know is that my heart belongs to him and it will remain that way until the end of time.

I walked away from Armas' house feeling a mix of emotions. I have finally mustered up the courage to express my true feelings to him, but now that the words were spoken, I couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability and uncertainty. As I walk down the familiar street, my mind is flooded with thoughts of what could happen next. I couldn't shake off the nervousness that was building up inside me. I replayed the conversation in my mind. The weight of my confession hung heavy in the air as I continued to distance myself from Armas' house. I knew that regardless of the outcome, I had taken a significant step in my journey of self-discovery and personal growth. In this moment, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for having the courage to express my emotions, even though the uncertainty.

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