Only The Young

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I got home an hour ago. The house was quiet when my brother and I entered. We are now sitting in the lounge and Sebastian doesn't look too happy. "Nora what was that? Were you trying to make-out with Armas? What is wrong with you?", He says full of disgust.

"It was not what it looks like okay. Armas and I was just sitting on the porch. Then we heard the people from the party started counting backwards and we just looked at each other, that's all it was. We didn't even kiss", I elaborate.

"He was leaning into you. He is my friend Nora. We've known each other since we where kids", He raises his voice.

"I don't like him like that. You know that. We were just hanging out like we used to. We haven't spoken in so long, it felt good to talk to him again, like old times. I know his your friend. And I would never throw myself at any one of your friends", I say.

Sebastian pulls a hand through his hair and sighs. "It's 1am, you should go to bed. You had a long night".

"I'm really sorry Sebastian. Goodnight", I walk out of the lounge towards the stairs.

"Goodnight", I hear him say through the hall.

I make it to the top of the stairs. I walk into my bedroom and close the door. I sit on my bed, taking in my thoughts. Was Armas really leaning into me? I'm not sure if what happened was real or just all in my head. Armas wouldn't do that. I've known him for too long. We're practically like family. Maybe I had something in my hair and he was just reaching to take it out. My mind spirals through this scene. 

I pull a hand through my hair and get up from bed. I grab my pajamas and walk into my bathroom. I pull my pajama t-shirt over my head. I turn on the faucet and wet my hands, I splash my face wet and turn off the faucet. I dry my face with a towel. I walk out of the bathroom and turn off the light. I climb into bed and turn off my bedside light.


The sun shines lighting up my room. I get out of bed and get ready to go downstairs. I pull on my sweatpants and a t-shirt. I walk downstairs into the kitchen. Mom is almost done preparing breakfast. I take a seat by the table and fill my plate with toast and berries. I spread peanut butter on my toast. I pour a glass of juice. 

Sebastian walks into the kitchen as well. He still looks tired from last night. I wonder if he got any sleep in.

Everyone is now sitting by the table enjoying their breakfast.

"How was Emma's party last night? I heard you two coming home last night. Was it fun?", Mom asks. Sebastian looks at me. His still angry about last night, it's clear in his face. "Last night was fine mom", I say with a smile. 

"What about you Sebastian? Did you enjoy yourself?", Mom asks him.

It takes him a short while to answer. "It was okay", He says looking at his plate.

The table goes quiet and I finish up my plate as quickly as possible. "I almost forgot, Meredith called me earlier saying that she is opening a biscuits stall at the food fair today. I asked her if she needed any help, she said no but I insisted that you two should help", Mom says.

Sebastian drops his fork on his plate. "Mom, come on. Last night was really long. I'm tired", He moans.

"I already told Meredith that you two would help her. We would not want to disappoint her now would we? Cheer up, Armas will be there too, you're not on your own. You three are going to have fun".

My face reddens after I hear those words. I don't think I can look at Armas after what happened last night. When Sebastian saw the two of us sitting outside last night he forced me to get into the car without even saying goodbye to Armas. He blew a gasket when he saw Armas that close to me. I don't know why it freaked him out so much, not like that was the first time Armas and I hang out on our own.

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