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Come on. Take a seat.

Would you like to hear a story?

Let me tell you a story about a girl that fell in love with the sun.

She lived in a small town called Cape Town, a place known for their sunsets.


"Nora, get down here, breakfast is ready!", My mother screams from the end of the staircase.

"I'm almost done, mother!", I brush my hair out then pick up my backpack and head downstairs.

"Come on, eat your breakfast. Where's you're father?", My mother places a jar of my cereal in front of me with a bowl and spoon.

"His in the shower", I say.

"Why is he taking so long? He knows your brother needs to be at school early".

"There are twelfth graders that come later than him, relax", I say stuffing my mouth with a spoon of Futurelife.

"Yeah, well I'm not thoughs children", He says rolling his eyes.

I finish off my cereal and my father walks into the kitchen. He sits by the table and has breakfast. I stand up from my seat and put on my blazer and then my backpack again.

My father finishes his breakfast and we all walk out of the house into the car. My mother waves us goodbye and we drive off to school.

My brother and I get out of the car and walk our separate ways into school.

This is my last day of ninth grade, and I'm finishing it off by writing Mathematics. What a way to end the year. Maths has never been one of my strong subjects but I'm sure I won't do to bad with this paper.

I walk up to my friends who are all sitting on a bench close to our classroom.

"Hello everyone", I say sitting next to them.

"Hello Nora", They all greet back.

"Nora, we were thinking, we should go out tomorrow since today is the last day of school", Tanya says.

"You all know I can't leave the house without adult supervision", I say.

My mother doesn't trust me on my own even though I'm fifteen already. I don't blame her but at least give it a try before you make up your mind.

"Then your brother can come with, he can invite his friends too if he wants", Maggie suggests.

"Ask Sebastian if he wants to come, I'm sure he will say yes. You are his sister and he is done writing exams today as well", Maria says.

"I'll ask Sebastian", I say.

We walk into our classroom and take our seats. The exam paper is already on every desk in the classroom when we enter. The professor tells us to flip the paper around to face the right way and we begin the exam session.


The bell rings and the exam session is over. I walk out of the classroom and wait for my friends outside. They all come walking out of the class together.

"Nora, you are going to ask your brother about the movie day thing, right?", Tanya asks

"Yes. I will ask him now", I say as we walk towards the exit of school.

I walk with my friends out of school. I look around and see my brother standing amongst his friends.

"Yeah that paper was good", I hear him chatter. I walk up to him and my friends follow behind me.

"Hey, bro", I say with a smile. "How was your last paper?", I make small talk.

"Hi. It was okay", He sighs.

"My friends and I was thinking about going out tomorrow but you already know I can't leave the house without supervision. We were thinking, maybe you and your friends can come with us", I say looking at his friends.

"Out? Where are we going?", My brother pulls his face.

"The Waterfront", Maggie chims in.

"I don't know? What do you all think?", He asks his friends.

"Yeah I'm down", One of his friends says.

They chatter amongst themselves whether they should go or not.

"Okay we will join you all", My brother says and I smile. "Armas are you coming?", My brother asks his friend.

Armas and Sebastian have been friends for as long as I can remember. They used to hang out after school every day until their lives got hectic with school work.

Armas is wearing a pair of seeing glasses. He got them when they were in eighth grade. His hair is a very dark shade of black and it has a perfect wave in front. His eyes are light brown. There was always something about him that just made him glow.

"Okay, I'll come. Text me the details", He says then leaves the group.

I watch him as he walks away. He has a confident walk. Almost like his the main character.

"Okay cool. We will discuss the rest of the details later. Then Nora can just explain them all to you", Maggie says talking to my brother.

"Yeah okay. Bye you guys", I say hugging them all before leaving with my brother.


I sit in my room with a book in my hand. I have spent the past two hours reading Pride & Prejudice. I enjoy reading romance novels. I have never been in love before. The only people that I love are my family and friends. I have never experienced a type of love that makes your heart jump out of your chest or makes your pupils grow wide. I do wish to find that type of love later in life. I'm not sure I am ready for that now.

My phone vibrates next to me and I put my book aside and pick the phone up. It's a text from the friend group chat.

*Maggie: Hey. This is the plan for tomorrow everyone! We are going to Waterfront at 6pm.

*Maria: What are we going to do there?

*Maggie: We can go rollerskatting or we can eat at one of the restaurants. Afterwards we can walk around. Waterfront is really big.

*Tanya: I'm up for it.

*Tiana: As am I.

*Scott: I'll be there.

*I'll ask my brother and let you all know later.

I switch my phone off and walk towards my brother's room. I knock on his room door and enter before he responds. His sitting on his bed watching TV.

"Maggie just messaged me. We are going to Waterfront at 6pm. Is that okay?", I ask him.

"I'm sure it will be. I will ask my friends", He says and grabs his phone off his bedside table.

My brother starts texting his friends and I sit on his bed watching the TV. I have never seen this show before but I think people call it anime.

"My friends said it is okay", He says putting his phone back on the table.

"Okay, thank you. By the way, Maria is picking us up", I say getting up from his bed.

Sebastian does not have his drivers license yet. Our father has tried numerous times to get Sebastian to pass out but he refuses. I guess his just, nervous.

"Fine by me", He says staring at the huge screen in front of him.

I walk out of his room and back into mine. I walk to my bed and grab my phone off it. I go back to the group chat.

*We'll be there :)

I toss my phone back on the bed and pick up my book. I sit on my bed and continue reading where I left off.

"Dinner is ready", My mom screams from below the stairs.

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