New Year's Day

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nine years ago

"Do I look ugly?".

"No, why would you say that?".

"The girls in my class said that I don't look as good as them. They said I'm the rotten apple".

"That's not true. Don't listen to them. I think you look beautiful Nora. You're beautiful".

The little girl stared into the mirror as the brown eyed boy complemented her beauty.

Two weeks later (Present day)

"He just gave you his jacket?", Maggie asks. My friends and I are having a picnic in a park close to the coast side. It's New Year's Eve and we are planning on hanging out all day.

"Yep, and now I have to give it back to him", I show them the jacket that I stuffed into my bag. I know I promised my dad I'd give his jacket back two weeks ago, I just never had the right chance to. "Sebastian is out with his friends so I'll definitely see Armas later", I say.

"Why do you have to give it back to him? He did say you could keep it", Maria states.

"My father does not want me to keep it. Besides the jacket is not my style anyway", I sigh.

"Enough of that. What are our plans for New Year's? Are we partying or what?", Scott asks.

One of Sebastian's friends, Emma, is having a party at her parents summer house. She did invite my brother and I to join. I figured if I am going I might as well take my friends with me. The more the merrier, right? I have been there before, and that house is huge. I'm sure she would not mind if I brought a few of my friends along.

"Great, Emma's house it is then", Scott smiles.

The waves hit the shore as we drive away from the coast. Tanya is the only one in our friend group that has their driver's license. She always drives us around whenever we go out together.

Tanya drops me off at the front door and I tell her that I will send Emma's parents summer house address on our friends group chat. I will probably be going there with Sebastian so I don't need her to pick me up. She waves me goodbye as I walk into my house.

I walk into the kitchen and Sebastian is halfway inside the fridge, looking for something to eat I assume. I walk towards the sink to rinse out a glass so that I can pour me some water.

"Do we still have leftovers of last night?", He asks.

"Almost everyone that we know was here last night, I'm pretty sure there are no leftovers", I laugh. He closes the fridge with an upset look on his face. The boys had another soccer game yesterday and dinner was on us last night.

"You're home early", He says.

"I figured if we are going out tonight I should come home and get ready", I explain. "I thought you were out with the boys?", I ask my brother.

"Armas had something to do with his dad and Xavier is getting party supplies. Get ready soon because I want to leave at seven, I want to help Emma and the rest set up the party", He says and I nod.

I walk up to my bedroom and grab my towel. I walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I get out of the shower close to 5pm. I choose my outfit and slip it onto my body. I go with a denim jumpsuit my mother bought me a few weeks ago. I sit by my dressing-table and apply mascara to my eyelashes and a nude lipstick. I don't really wear much makeup, I never liked how it looked on me.

"Nora are you done yet? Come on, we need to go. The drive is long", Sebastian screams from the other side of my door.

"I'm coming", I say as I slip my white sneakers on my feet. I swing my bag over my shoulder and walk downstairs. Sebastian is already busy packing some of the supplies that he bought for the party in his car. I help him pack in the rest. We close the trunk and get into the car, we drive off to Emma's. Sebastian passed out for his driver's license a week ago, he has been driving me everywhere I need to go.

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