The Waddle Dee Settlement

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It was a bright afternoon when Link and Kirby travelled across the plains of Hyrule Field with the sun hanging in the sky halfway causing the sky to be orange with layers of yellow. Kirby looked around and saw a Waddle Dee in the distance.

Link was confused as to what it was until Kirby ran up to it to wave hello. The Waddle Dee waved back at Kirby in return. Link approached the Waddle Dee curiously having never seen it before.

The Waddle Dee exclaimed "Wanya!" at Link also curious as to who he was before continuing his way waving goodbye at Link. Link looked to see a wooden wall surrounding the centre of Hyrule Field. Kirby ran towards it curious as to what it was.

Link was confused and ran up to Kirby just as he found the entrance of the wooden wall. There were more Waddle Dees just like the one that Kirby and Link saw. However, they had different shades of orange.

Kirby waved hello at them and the Waddle Dees returned waving enthusiastically back at him. Link looked around with a curious expression that he had with the Waddle Dee he had seen earlier. The Waddle Dees returned the same expression looking up at Link tilting their heads.

"Hey! Kirby! Nice to see you again!" a voice called out to Kirby. Kirby turned around the centre of the town and saw Bandana Waddle Dee, a Waddle Dee with a blue bandana on his head. Link looked and saw as Kirby approached Bandana Waddle Dee holding each other's stubby arms and bouncing up and down.

"How are things going for you, Kirby?" Bandana Waddle Dee asked him. Kirby jumped happily as Link showed up. "I assume that's your friend?" Bandana Waddle Dee asked him referring to Link. Kirby nodded and so did Link.

"That's great to hear! I have a problem that might need the help of you two. Some Waddle Dees have been missing. Me and the rest of the Waddle Dees are unsure why, could you please help?" Bandana Waddle Dee asked the two as a worried expression formed on his face.

Kirby and Link offered their assistance with Kirby jumping up into the air and raising one of his arms while Link nodded. "Thank you so much! Let me just quickly get my spear quickly." Bandana Waddle Dee told them as he rushed to his home and quickly came back with his spear as promised.

Bandana Waddle Dee escorted the two towards a home that was near the wooden barrier, as they approached the wall they saw Waddle Doos who looked similar to the Waddle Dees but had one giant eye with two strands of hair on their heads.

Kirby waved hello at the Waddle Doos who waved back while Link was taken aback by the anatomy of the Waddle Doos and their moneyed appearance.

"Here's the home I'm referring to." Bandana Waddle Dee told Link and Kirby as he opened the wooden door of the wooden home for them.

The house was packed with many things, there was a small bed and a little garden just under a pane of glass for sunlight with a watering can next to it which was half full of water. The house had an abandoned feel to it with a poster of Dedede looking quite torn.

"This is what I'm talking about, I think they've disappeared through there." Bandana Waddle Dee said to the two pointing at a wooden square in the corner of the home with a different brown shade. Link inferred that it must be the basement.

Link opened the basement door giving way for Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee to enter. Kirby jumped into the air and inhaled hovering and flapping his stubby arms to stay afloat while Bandana Waddle Dee grabbed onto Kirby almost latching onto him despite having no fingers.

Link kept the door open just as he was about to climb down the ladder as Kirby moved towards him and continued flapping his arms as soon as Kirby started to descend to his level Link closed the basement door and climbed down the ladder.

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