Death Mountain

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Kirby and Link rested for a while with Kirby looking around. Kirby saw a mountain in the distance that was coloured as if it was dark ash and had large amounts of lava flowing from the crater. The volcano that Kirby saw was Death Mountain, a giant volcano situated in the north of Hyrule.

Link realised what Kirby was looking at and approached the volcano. Kirby was confused about what was happening but continued walking alongside his friend. The wind was still blowing as they continued approaching.

The two soon found themselves at the base of Death Mountain trying to find an entrance blocked by the constantly flowing lava. Link soon found an entrance after climbing some rocks that jutted out of Dream Mountain.

Kirby followed just behind inhaling a large amount of air and flying up exhaling it when he reached the entrance alongside Link. Kirby looked around the interior of Death Mountain and saw the Gorons.

The Gorons had legs that were dwarfed by their large hands, their bodies were also very round and resembled that of the rocks they fed and lived on. Kirby approached one of the Gorons and waved hello at it letting out a noise to say hello.

The Goron looked at Kirby with a suspicious glance with a frown on his face having never seen a pink ball. Kirby looked in a confused manner back at the Goron. However, he did not need to be confused for long as Link spoke with one of the Gorons with what looked like facial hair and wrinkles.

"Our places have been flooded by lava, we've tried to find the source but it's difficult to find and it seems to make it more difficult to search." the Goron explained to Link as Kirby continued his best to interact with the rest of the Gorons.

"Would you be willing to help us?" the Goron asked Link looking desperate. Link nodded accepting his request for help. "Excellent, here is a Goron Tunic for starters, you will need it for traversing around here." the Goron told Link as he offered him a red-coloured tunic.

Kirby caught up with Link as he equipped the Goron Tunic. The two exited together to the interior of Death Mountain and saw what the problem was.

The inside of Death Mountain was filled to the brim with lava leaking all over any walkable areas just like the lava they saw flowing out of Death Mountain earlier. Kirby walked forward across the narrow ledge just as the lava retreated only for another pile of lava to cover the next part of the narrow path.

Link came forward as the lava that stood in front of Kirby retreated. The two soon found themselves at an intersection. with an inaccessible area facing them. The two looked around. Kirby thought of going right while Link thought of going left.

After some thought, Kirby decided to follow Link as they turned left. After some walking and careful steps, they found themselves in a village created by the Gorons with their homes being created of dense stone.

As Kirby looked around he waved at the Gorons that were standing around occasionally talking to each other. They looked glum but upon seeing him they were surprised. "Who are you?" one of the Gorons asked him in shock.

Kirby jumped up happy to introduce himself. The Gorons could understand Kirby saying his name "Kirby, you say. How do you feel with rocks?" the Goron asked him giving Kirby a small rock that looked like the rocks Kirby saw when he fought Blocky.

Kirby inhaled the rock and got the Stone Ability taking the Gorons by surprise just after that Kirby transformed into a golden statue of a human man flexing his muscles. "Woah! That's so cool! Hey, Chief! It'd be great if you saw this!" the Goron called out.

The Goron chief appeared almost immediately confused by the golden statue Kirby transformed himself into. The Goron Chief had various patterns and tattoos etched onto his skin and wore a waist belt also made of stone.

The Legend of Zelda: The Arrival of the Star WarriorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora