Hostages of the Demon King

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Dedede looked around his dark surroundings slightly quivering as he stood still after his fight with the figure he did not recognise. He was stuck in a seemingly magical prison reflected in the bars, fused with magic that zipped up and down the prison bars.

Dedede held his prized hammer in his hands, unsure as to what to do next, he thought about whether to touch the bars with the handle of his hammer or not. After some thinking, he decided to go through with it. "What's the worst that could happen anyway?" he muttered to himself.

Just as the handle of his hammer touched the prison bars, a purple light glowed for a split second before the hammer pushed against his belly, sending Dedede flying to the wall at the back. A loud thud emerged from Dedede causing a crack to form in the wall promptly repaired itself.

"Thank Hylia, you almost collided with me." A female voice told him from no clear source that Dedede could discern. "What's goin' on here? I thought I was the only one in this jail cell!" Dedede exclaimed holding his hammer vigilantly.

"Do not be afraid, I do not mean any harm." the voice told him again as its source merged from the darkness. Dedede looked at the source of the voice. 

It was a woman. The woman had long blonde hair and green eyes that seemed to rival Kirby's soul. The woman also had pointy ears that had earrings attached to them. The earrings had several golden triangles, forming one large triangle with a triangle-shaped hole.

The woman also had a long white gown that covered her feet, the gown was adorned with various patterns but noticeably had the same triangle pattern from the earrings in the centre which was coloured red and much larger.

"Who are ya?" Dedede asked the woman as he lowered his hammer less concerned about himself getting hurt.

"My apologies, allow me to introduce myself. I am Princess Zelda, the ruler of Hyrule. Is it alright if you could tell me about yourself? You seem quite familiar." she told Dedede looking at him with an expression of curiosity.

"I am the Great King Dedede!" Dedede introduced himself proudly puffing his chest. "I'm the king of Dream Land, I'm also great friends with Kirby who's defeated and saved me and Popstar from many horrors."

"That makes so much sense, no wonder I felt a sense of familiarity from you. It is nice to see you, King Dedede." Zelda replied smiling at him.

"It sure's nice to ya as well, Zelda!" Dedede responded his face beaming knowing he was not alone. "By the way, who's that creepy guy who kidnapped me and put us in this mess?" he asked her with a slightly hushed voice.

Zelda immediately realised who Dedede was talking about and returned to the hushed voice as well. "Oh, that is Ganondorf, he has been terrorising Hyrule for the longest time way before you and Kirby came here," she told Dedede keeping her eyes peeled in case of his presence.

"So what're we gonna do? We're stuck in this prison and that Ganondorf character is roaming around like some security guard." Dedede asked Zelda as he looked at the bars keeping his eyes peeled for Ganondorf as well.

"I have a plan, but that will require extensive planning," Zelda told Dedede as she began to explain the plan still keeping her vigilance.

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