The Final Confrontation

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As the final structure of Ganondorf's castle collapsed into the ground, they were all stacked together almost as if they were just pieces of cardboard stuck together. "It is over... it is finally over," Zelda remarked as she smiled and looked at Link both equally as happy that their mission seemed to be over.

Dedede laughed looking at the fallen castle. "Dedede, one! Ganondork, zero! No wait, make that two or three for me because we escaped that castle and I can make better-looking castles than that!" he remarked with everyone else agreeing with him.

Just as they were about to do something else, they heard a noise come from the ruins of the castle causing everyone to jump. "Sire, what was that sound?" one of the Waddle Dees asked Dedede.

Link slowly approached the fallen remains of Ganondorf's castle with Kirby until they heard a rumble and burst seeing Ganondorflevitate in the air, breathing loudly and haphazardly almost as if he was about of breath.

Ganondorf now had opaque yellow eyes and stared down Link and Kirby clutching his hand showing the back of it once more using the Triforce of Power. Ganondorf soon levitated into the air screaming as he transformed into his more powerful form creating a blinding light that forced everyone to close their eyes.

As soon as Link and Kirby looked they saw Ganondorf was no more and instead was Ganon, Ganon looked like a large boar with large tusks and feet reflecting his new state. Despite this Ganon still maintained the long red hair that Ganondorf had. In both of his hands were two swords that looked suspiciously similar to Galaxia with their golden blades.

A large ring of fire appeared as Ganon viciously and violently swung his swords as if he were screaming at Link until he managed to disarm him of the Master Sword causing it to fly in the air and hit the ground point first near Zelda and Dedede.

"Oh dear, it seems that the Triforce of Power has fully corrupted him." Meta Knight remarked as Link backed away not having any weapon to fight Ganon with as he chased him. Kirby swung his little sword wondering where his weak point was.

The battlefield was dark for the rest to see as they watched Link's faint silhouette dodge Ganon's attacks while Kirby swung his sword a Ganon until he turned around and showed his tail which flashed green and yellow.

"Hey, Kirby! Ya might wanna check Ganon's tail!" Dedede called out. Kirby looked curiously at Ganon's tail and saw what was going on and struck at it. Ganon recoiled in pain and started chasing Kirby instead realising that Link was effectively harmless.

Kirby ran in terror as Ganon swung his swords to try and slice him. "You can duck under him, Kirby." Meta Knight told him. Relain how sort his stature was, Kirby took Meta Knight's advice to heart and ran under Ganondorf and struck him in the tail again causing him to roar in pain even more.

Unable to resist Kirby's short stature, Ganon soon folded collapsing to the ground using one of his swords to rest and to regain his energy which dissolved the wall of fire. "Hurry, Link! The Master Sword is over here!" Zelda called out to him.

Link ran to the Master Sword and picked it up just as Kirby followed. "Kirby, I entrust you with Galaxia to finish off Ganon once and for all." Meta Knight told him handing over his sword. Kirby nodded with a determined smile on his face as he ran along with Link to face Ganon once more.

Ganon regained his ground and began spinning rapidly and had what seemed to be a repellent skin that prevented Kirby and Link from attempting to distract Ganon from each other. "Why did ya give Kirby Galaxia, Meta Knight?" Dedede questioned him confused.

"I have seen Kirby use Galaxia and I trust him to defeat Ganon and liberate the world of Hyrule from their worst nightmare." Meta Knight explained as Bandana Waddle Dee and the Waddle Dees cheered on Kirby and Link.

Link managed to quickly get behind Ganon after he spun for a long time and slashed his tail with the Master Sword causing Ganon to scream in pain before slashing both Link and Kirby causing them to fly near the wall of fire. Zelda looked mortified at what happened to Link just like how Dedede was when Ganondorf attacked Bandana Waddle Dee.

"C'mon, Kirby! This is it! The final stretch, you need to make it." Bandana Waddle Dee told Kirby hoping he would get up. Link managed to recover from Ganon's attack before grabbing Kirby's stubby arms and throwing him behind Ganon, Kirby woke up and used Galaxia to slash Ganon's tail once more and bring him down to his knees.

The wall of fire dissolved once more allowing the others to intervene and attack Ganon both Zelda blasting a ray of light magic at him. "Link, use your sword to defeat Ganon once and for all!" Zelda told him as she became exhausted after using all of her magic.

Dedede decided to intervene and rapidly smash Ganon's head with his hammer. Link slashed Ganon in the mouse and continued to do so before stabbing Ganon right in the nose. Gano screamed in pain sending Dedede flying lying on his back shocked by Ganon's sudden movement.

Ganon soon dissipated into dark particles that were soon absorbed by the Master Sword. A shining light appeared above everyone and took them upwards to the surface from the bottom of the centre of the Waddle Dee Settlement.   

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