The Swordsman and the Princess

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Meta Knight continued to relax under the palm trees of the oasis, engrossed in the atlas and encyclopedia of Hyrule that he bought from the Gerudo. The palm trees provided him with the necessary shade and some slight protection from the flying sand. The wooshing wind and the trickles of the grains of sand added to the feel of it truly being a desert.

Meta Knight decided to look around his surroundings after viewing the atlas for a long time and saw a figure in the distance with a red Sheikah symbol on its chest and short blonde hair, the top of the figure was white and looked like they were patched together while the bottom parts were dark and smooth.

Meta Knight raised Galaxia swiftly raising it to the direction of the sun gauging whether the figure was an ally or a potential enemy. The figure did not seem to be fazed. "Do not be afraid, I do not mean harm."

Meta Knight was confused until the figure approached and he recognised it as Shiek. Meta Knight knew he could trust the Survivor of the Sheikahs. Shiek soon approached Meta Knight towering over his short stature. 

Meta Knight could see that Sheik's face was concealed only showing her eyes. It was awkward until Meta Knight decided to break the silence. "It is an honour to meet you, Sheik. I have been looking for Kirby. Do you know him?" Meta Knight asked her.

"The Star Warrior is a hero who I am familiar with. He is a close ally of the Hero of Legend." Sheik replied. Meta Knight was initially unsure until he realised who Sheik was referring to by the "Hero of Legend".

"What do you suppose could be happening?" he asked her looking around the desert. "The threads of destiny are intricate, Meta Knight. We find ourselves woven into a tale that spans realms." Sheik replied.

Meta Knight reflected on Sheik's words before asking the question he felt would reveal more about Sheik. "Sheik, I sense a deeper purpose in your actions. Who are you truly?" Meta Knight asked her contemplating the challenges that he would face in the future.

 Sheik's eyes held a mixture of determination and reflection upon hearing Meta Knight's question. "In the veiled dance of illusions, the mask must eventually fall away." Sheik replied, her words carrying a certain weight to them "I am Sheik, a guise worn by the one who bears the weight of Hyrule's destiny."

As soon as Sheik said these words she spun around a bright light engulfed her catching Meta Knight by surprise. Sheik's silhouette started to disappear and transform into something else.

The light soon dissipated revealing a new person taking Sheik's place. The new person looked different from Sheik. Meta Knight immediately recognised the person as Zelda. He was surprised yet kept his demeanour together.

"Princess Zelda, I am more than honoured to be in your presence." Meta Knight told her with a sense of admiration bowing, which from Zelda's perspective looked like he was staring at the ground before looking back up.

"It is also an honour to meet you, Meta Knight. I have been told many stories by King Dedede about your courage and prowess in combat." Zelda replied. Meta Knight was surprised to hear her words.

"Speaking of Dedede, how is he? I have been searching for him for a long time before Kirby came to Hyrule." Meta Knight told her curious and wanting to find out what happened to his friend.

"King Dedede and I are locked in prison within Ganondorf's Castle. We are currently formulating a plan to escape and I would like you to participate in the plan's success." Zelda explained to him.

"I would certainly wish to help in the success of freeing you and Dedede from Ganondorf's grasp. What shall my part in the plan entail?" Meta Knight asked her in a curious tone.

"I would like for you to challenge Link to a duel to see how he handles your combat expertise. From what King Dedede has told me you make out to be a competent fighter." Zelda explained to him.

"Thank you very much, Princess Zelda, I am more than honoured to have a duel with the Hero of Legend and I appreciate your compliment." Meta Knight replied smiling despite his smile being concealed by his mask.

The wind soon started to become more intense carrying more sand with it causing Meta Knight's cape and Zelda's gown to flow dramatically with the wind. "I must go soon anyway, Ganondorf will become suspicious of my absence," Zelda told Meta Knight signalling a farewell.

"Farewell then, Princess Zelda. I hope we meet again soon." Meta Knight remarked before Zelda gave a little smirk and disappeared just as more grains of and flew by them.

The wind soon calmed down. Meta Knight noted his role in the plan. "I do hope that Kirby and Link will be here soon." Meta knight thought to himself as he returned to the palm tree to read the encyclopedia.

The Legend of Zelda: The Arrival of the Star WarriorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant