The Swordsman and the Sand

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Meta Knight looked around Gerudo Desert as the sand swirled thanks to the wind. The sand was a faint yellow which contrasted with the golden colour of Galaxia, Meta Knight's sword. Meta Knight climbed up a sand dune squinting his eyes to make sure he did not get any sand in his eyes.

Meta Knight looked into the horizon as he fully climbed up the sand dune and saw a small settlement with a small sand-coloured wall guarding it. Meta Knight paused a moment to feel the direction of the wind which was headed towards the settlement.

"That was quite convenient timing." he thought to himself smiling behind his mask as he leapt from the dune and spread his wings. The wind pushed Meta Knight towards the settlement. As he flew towards it, as Meta Knight flew he saw stones and rocks that were shaped like massive towers.

Meta Knight looked down at the ground below him and saw the flying sand wishing around as if they were the tentacles of an octopus. Meta Knight swooped down towards the pseudo-tentacles and swung Galaxia at it causing the sand to disperse.

Meta Knight looked amused by the movement of the sand as he continued flying forward towards the settlement. He soon landed in front of the dull-looking walls guarding the settlement. Meta Knight looked around and soon saw two guards at the entrance to the settlement.

Meta Knight noticed that the guards were women. The guard on his left-hand side had tan skin while the other on his right-hand side had bronze skin. However, the two guards shared their most distinct which was their red hair.

The guards also had spears that looked similar to Bandana Waddle Dee's and looked like they were surveying their area vigilantly. Meta Knight wondered why this was the case. The guards also looked unphased by the environment around them.

"I wonder how I should approach this situation." Meta Knight thought to himself as he hid behind a  large boulder. He peeked and saw a man who had pointy ears who approached the Gerudo guards.

The guards reacted almost immediately to his man's presence. Meta Knight could hear the guards telling him he was a "voe" and was not to enter the settlement. Meta Knight watched as the man left the settlement.

"It seems I will have to use espionage to enter their settlement." Meta Knight thought to himself. Meta Knight was curious as to what the term "voe" was. Meta Knight thought that it was a derogatory term.

Meta Knight wondered how he should enter the settlement. After some planning, he thought that dashing and teleporting with his cape would help him infiltrate the Gerudo settlement. Deciding to follow through with this plan, Meta Knight dashed forward to stay from the vision of the Gerudo guards.

Just as he jumped into the air, Meta Knight covered himself with his cape which turned him invisible, using the time he had he ran past the entrance leaving the guards confused about where he was. 

Meta Knight's invisibility soon wore off, using his small stature he ran behind the wall of a nearby home. Meta Knight breathed a sigh of relief as he looked and saw more of the Geruo continuing their lives, talking to each other, and interacting with the market.

Meta Knight looked around hoping to find at least some information on the Gerudo, who are they? Why are seemingly no men belonging to the Gerudo tribe? And what did the term "voe" mean?

Just as Meta Knight thought of these questions a slip of paper slowly fell down near his feet. Meta Knight looked around him wondering where the paper came from. H looked into the sky and saw only the bright blue sky.

Meta Knight turned his attention towards the page. The page was two-sided and was detailed with information about the Gerudo ranging from their history to how they formed and their current place within Hyrule.

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