Mephiles the living being

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"You're cheating!!" Sonic was bickering in annoyance. It was not written in the rule book but sonic was pretty sure that elongating you limbs wasn't allowed when playing twister, he didn't even understand why Mephiles bothered staying in that plank-like position above him if he wasn't even going to play properly! "You never said any specific rules about how I get to the coloured dots did you?" Oh sonic wishes he could wipe the smirk off his face, "I thought that this rule was a given you sneaky snake!"Mephiles tilted his head, looking down at the hedgehog in confusion "but I am not a snake?" Oh right, I forgot that he basically lives under a rock, "it's a hyperbole you dumb dumb" mephiles frowned "whatever, it's your turn" sonic rolled his eyes as he reached to spin the spinner but he didn't have to as mephiles grabbed it for him "thanks" sonic spoke on autopilot, it made mephiles freeze for a second, when did he start doing small things like that automatically? "Left foot on red." Mephiles interrupted himself, it didn't matter anyway, it was one small thing, nothing more, nothing less "OH FUDGE KNUCKLES!!!" and the next thing they knew mephiles had won due to sonic falling and knocking mephiles down with him. "Oww..." as he heard that he snapped his eyes open and instantly used his tentacles to stick to the ceiling... why did he do that?... why did he freeze like that? "Uh... you ok there Mr tentacles?"

"Ok you need to leave." "What?..." mephiles slivered down to his feet using his free tentacle to lift sonic to his feet, "thanks but what are you talking about" the tentacle disappeared in an instant causing him to fall to the ground as mephiles pointed at him "that! That is what I'm talking about!!" Sonic looked up at him, "what!?" "This!" He gestured at... the general area, "how are you doing this?!" "Doing what!?" Sonic yelled in confusion as he stood back up, "failing at twister?!" "No!" He screamed, "these mind game things that you're doing! I'm mephiles the dark! How are you making me feel like... like..."  Sonic's  face suddenly changed from confusion to surprise and then his face suddenly got all red which just made him feel even weirder, "why are you so red!?" "M-mephiles... you are getting r-really c-close there bud..." 

In the blink of an eye mephiles was on the other side of the cave pointing at him frantically, "see!? That! That is what I'm talking about! What are you doing to me!?" Now mephiles knew this seemed a bit idiotic but at this point he was desperate, because whatever this stupid blue turned purple hedgehog was doing to him was actually starting to affect his behaviour! He had to steal the game they were playing and he hadn't even bothered to kill the owner!! What was wrong with him?! And why was sonic laughing?! 

"Why are you laughing!?" He screamed in frustration as the spirits in sonic's ora seemingly taunted him, "I'm sorry-eh-haha I really am but I just never thought you could make jokes" jokes? What jokes? Sonic must've seen the look on his face as he stopped laughing, "have... you never cared about someone before?..." mephiles just kept pulling up blanks as he tried to understand what sonic was talking about.

"Well yeah, Iblis, but that doesn't explain what you're doing to me!!" Sonic smiled softly as his ora changed again to saddened and weeping souls flew by causing an unintentionally eerie site even for mephiles, "what would you do if someone hurt me?"

What?... if some hurt sonic?... why?... "why does that make me so angry?..." sonic slowly floated towards him as he froze again, him mind keeps telling him to run and hide but his body stayed still as sonic floated towards him, "it makes you angry..." sonic says as he grabs mephiles hands and leaded him into a sit, "because when you care about someone you don't want them to get hurt..." 

Unintentionally mephiles mouth moved on his own, "but I'm mephiles the dark... I don't care about anyone" mephiles could feel sonic rubbing circles into his palms... wait palms? Mephiles looked down to see the crystals that were covering his body were starting to chip away and fall onto the floor, "you've only been here a few weeks... how did you do this?..." how did he do this to him... and why is he crying?

One of Sonic's hands let go of his to wipe away his tears, "you've kept everything to yourself your whole life because you've never felt safe around anyone before, you've always being the great mephiles the dark but you never let yourself be mephiles: a living being." What?

A... living being...

That sound nice...

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