Who?!, Where?!, What?!

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When sonic awoke, everything he saw was in a deep red tint. There was hundreds of thoughts going through his head, but they all went out the window when he heard a ear ringing scream. He swerved his head around to notice he was on angel island, he also noticed a few differences, like the red tint, the newly broken bolder, the fire, the absence of the master emerald, and knuckles, only knuckles was SCREAMING WITH PAIN AS HE CRIED AND CRIPPLED TO THE FLOOR!!!                                                                                                                                                                                  "KNUCKES!!!" Sonic dashed forward. He didn't notice he was floating, nor did he care. His loyalty overrides his instincts and thoughts every time,  that was until his friend started trying to get away from him. "No! G-get away from me!" Knuckes scooted away slightly, trying to get away from him. "I-knuckes it's me..." sonic raised his hands to show he meant no harm, but he couldn't see how he looked right now.

Sonic's quills were longer and they flowed like a lion's mane, the tips of his gloves were ripped, showing his talons of claws with blood on the ends of them. His teeth had become fangs. His ora was darker then ever, as faces of evil spirits seem to fade in and out of it. His blue fur dye had completely disappeared and his natural colour had darkened to a deep purple. His eyes were no longer rainbow and his contacts had disappeared, but his eyes weren't back to normal ether, his eyes were inverted from his regular eyes, and the whites had become black . His voice seemed to be back to normal but it was also painful to listen too, like every word would shake the brain of anyone who heard it. He seemed to have grown wings out of bones that were connected by a black goop, although he didn't need them, he seemed to be able to float just fine without them.

"S-s-stop! Don't come any closer!" Sonic stopped, frozen in place 'was knuckles scared of him?' Sonic slowly lowered his arms only to stop in horror, why was his nails so sharp? And why was he covered in blood? He slowly looked down at knuckles, knuckles was hurt... badly

"D-did I?..." knuckles eyes seemed to widen in realisation, "s-sonic?...i-is that y-you?..." sonic started to hyperventilate, it became hard for him to breathe. The evil spirits became clearer and darker. Sonic fell to his knees with tears leaking from his eyes, all he could see was blood, "w-what did I do?..." the ground beneath him began to shake and crack as his tears turned into the same black goo from his wings "no... I-I I didn't mean to..."

"H-hey! I-It's ok..." knuckles tried to move forward but froze after crawling only one foot as the cracks got larger, "s-sonic! Stop! The cracks are going to-" suddenly the floor beneath sonic opened up, creating a deep pit, but sonic was still floating "this is a dream r-right?" Knuckles finally got up and took a few steps back and limping on one foot "s-sonic I need you t-to calm d-down" sonic started clawing at his quills. "I-I was supposed to protect you..." knuckles froze "t-that's why I b-became a h-hero... to protect p-people...with a smile" the cracks around the pit deepened and started to spread out more, "p-people would know that everything was ok if the p-person fighting the problem was smiling like I-It was just a g-game" sonic slowly started sinking "sonic!" Knuckles ran forward trying to reach for sonic only to trip on his bad leg, "but its not a game anymore... is it?" "s-SONIC!!!"  Knuckles called out but it was too late...

Sonic had given up... and all knuckles could do was watch as he plunged into the pit...

"Well, well, well, look what we have here" Sonic's eyes fluttered opened just enough to see someone standing over him "w-who?...w-where..." he whispered, not being able to speak any louder, but it didn't matter as the figure ignored him, "although you look different than last time, but don't worry!" The figure crouched down next to him "you're in good hands :)" and that was the last thing he heard before he blacked out

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