The start of it all

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💭💭=thinking          ""= saying

~~~~~~~~~~egg man pov~~~~~~~~~~~

Thing were going perfectly! I have sonic as my battery and everything was going smoothly. absolutely nothing could go wrong!


"WHAT WAS THAT?!?!" Those were the last words I said before the explosion sent sonic and the emeralds plummeting down to earth. Now let me just say, for a place with zero gravity, he was falling really fast. And the next thing I know he had escaped.

~~~~~~~~~~~shadow pov~~~~~~~~~~~

💭damn you faker💭 we were at tails house. I had found the faker unconscious in the forest and brought him here. Faker was lying down on the table, tail was working on a way to wake him up 💭because they didn't just let me slap him💭 and Amy..... Amy was crying in a corner of the room snuggling pillows that had pictures of faker on them. He has rejected her a thousand times already and yet she still acts like they're dating. It's a little toxic really (I kinda feel this way. This is my opinion)  and the others were just trying to calm Amy down.

That's when something happened. All of a sudden sonic had started floating with the purple chaos emerald. "What in the-" "the emeralds colour is fading!!" Yelled tails and sure enough, the purple chaos emeralds colour was disappearing as if it was draining from purple to black. Knuckles opened his mouth to speak but Rouge got there first "never mind the emerald!! Look at Sonic's quills!!" As we all looked from the emerald to his quills, a glowing purple colour started to appear on one of his quills, fading back into blue halfway as if being dipped in paint. Both sonic and the chaos emerald floated back down onto the table. The chaos emerald: black and no longer glowing or shining, and the faker with a new glowy, purple quill. There was a moment of awkwardness until Amy broke the silence. "Did Sonic just absorb a chaos emerald?!?!" 

~~~~~~~~~~tails pov~~~~~~~~~~

💭how is that even possible!?!?💭 so many questions were going through my head.  💭when?! Where?!why?!how?!💭 none of this made any sense and what was worse was the fact that everyone was talking over each other and I couldn't get them to stop until... "EVERYONE SHUT UP!!" Everyone just froze and looked at shadow " look we have no idea what just happened and shouting over each other will get us nowhere so everyone leave the room unless you are me, the fox or silver" everyone agreed until Amy perked up "how come you, silver and tails can stay but not us?" (And by "us" she meant "me") "because me and silver know chaos emeralds and tails knows..." when he paused I genuinely  thought he was going to say "you now what, fox leave too" but what he said surprised me. "Basically everything else" 💭that was the first complement he's ever given me💭 Amy pouted as she and everyone left. Silver then turned to me and said "ok tails! What are we working with?"

~~~~~~~~~sonic pov~~~~~~~~~~~

I was in a black room, a void if you will. I was walking for hours, but there was nothing there. Just darkness. That is until I saw something, a ball of purple light. With nowhere left to go I walked towards it, it was beautiful, like a little sun. As I touched it I felt strange as it was like slime, I squeezed it a little only to find if I did the room would become smaller. So I tried to stretch it and the room became bigger. 💭this thing has the power to control the space in this room💭 an idea came to me. If this thing could control space, maybe it can control distance as well! I decided to test this theory. I stretched out the slime and made a hole in the middle to make a circle. All of a sudden some sort of... portal Appeared? The other side looked like the roof of tails workshop.

~~~~~~~~~~silver pov~~~~~~~~~~~

When sonic woke up he was panicking and repeating things like "I was the battery. He was going to shoot the earth. The purple thing!" I was starting to get worried "sonic we need you to calm down" he turned his head to look at me so fast I sear I heard his neck crack 💭scary but ok😃💭 "no! You don't understand! We can't let egg-man get me or the chaos emeralds! We have to leave! Egg-man knows were tails workshop is!" All of a sudden shadow grabbed sonic and me and yelled "chaos control!" 💭umm what are you doing?😐💭 we all stood there in silence for a while as sonic and shadow look at each other looking horrified for some reason. "Shadow... why didn't we-" sonic was then cut off by a panic shadow "THE CHAOS EMERALDS!!" Shadow ran over to the formally purple but now black chaos emerald and held it for us to see "my powers only work of the chaos emeralds! This was the one I use to teleport with!" I was about to say "that explains a lot" until sonic butted in  💭I'm not going to be able to say one thing today am I?😑💭 "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CHAOS EMERALD?!?"  Me and shadow looked at each other obviously thinking the same thing 💭does he not know?💭

~~~~~~~~~~~~amy pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sonic went to take a shower and get him self cleaned up while me and the others took a secret meeting in the living room. "Ok, so the down low is that egg man tried to use big blue as a battery for a lazar and fail (like usual) and big blue fell to earth and unconsciously absorb a chaos emerald, shadows powers here aren't working and we are still debating on wether we should tell sonic about the whole "absorbing chaos emerald" thing right?" We all nodded our heads at rouge who then leaned back in her chair with her hands behind her back "well I say we tell him" "yeah but before if sonic freaked out, the worst thing he could do is run away. Now if he freaks out, we have no idea what will happen!" Silver pointed out "yeah but don't you guys have a mirror in this house? He's going to find out at some point" 💭shoot, shoot,shoot,shoot!💭 "um" tails started to speak up "we don't... Amy broke it, trying to sneak in last week." Everyone turned to me except rouge who just giggled.

Rouge has always helped me with my crazy crush on sonic, even when I go into a little yandere mode for him. So as usual she helped me out of this awkward situation too. "Amy, your sleep walking can make you go to many places can't it?"   I was a little confused at first but then I scratched the back of my head and said "yeah... hehe sorry about that. 😅" In the end we decided not to tell sonic in case that he got some new powers and freaked out making them go berserk.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sonic pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

💭Good to know they aren't telling me because they think I'll mess things up🙃💭 that's right! I heard the whole conversation! 💭Still can't believe it was Amy who broke the mirror though💭 so I decided that as revenge for thinking that I would get freaked out so easily, I will pretend not to know! 💭hehehe 😈💭 so I walk in scratching my new purple quill to mess with em.

"Man. One of my quills feel really weird for some reason" everyone except shadow looked at each other 💭wow. Everyone except shadow has no idea how to act neutral💭 that's when shadow decided to try and convince me that it's nothing "well we are hedgehogs and quilling season is starting to come up." (I have no clue if hedgehogs actually shed there quills or not. I'm just guessing) "yeah I guess that makes sense" I was really hungry so I went to the kitchen to cook something "anyone up for some chilli-dogs?" 

Whiles I was cooking the chilli-dogs I could hear then whispering about what they should do.   💭shoot  we have no chilli powder💭 I was about to run out to the store when I saw a flash from my dream. 💭when I squeezed the purple thing my hand went into a specific position💭 I tried the hand position to make the room smaller and all of a sudden it was like the room began to shrink(and the furniture) I tried the hand position to make the room bigger and it was as if I began to shrink. Once I got the room back to its normal size I remembered I have also been able to make a portal as well. I started to think about the shop as I made the hand gestures I had memorised earlier as a purple mist started to appear and... there it was

A portal to the shopping Centre 

Hi I hope you enjoyed this chapter as this is my first fanfic😁 please tell me in the comments if you want this to be a Sonadow fanfic or not because I know there are not a lot of those fanfic out there

Thx for reading

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