Sonics demonly sadness

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This one is a little sad but I promise it'll get better in the next chapter

~~~~~~~~~~sonic pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Where am I?

I question myself as I look around this... weirdly comforting void of nothingness, that I have learnt that you need to 'swim' to get around.

Who's not like we have any reason to leave...

I flinch at the sudden voice, looking around and trying to figure out where it came from

What do you mean?... what about my friends?!


They aren't your friends! Your own brother just shot us!

Yeah to help me!... to help me...

I stop 'swimming' around as I start to think 💭 and yet tails didn't even hesitate...💭

Do they even care about you? They didn't even tell you about the chaos until they couldn't hide it any longer! If it was up to them you would still be in the dark about this!

💭Don't listen to him! Just make a joke and blow this over like you usually do!💭

I mean, I'm in a black void, does that count as being 'in the dark'


...what about shadow? He kissed me?

Yeah but why?

I lift up my head, confused by the question.

What do you mean why!?

Sonic look at us! Why would anyone kiss us?!


Face it! He did it out of pity...

Who are you?... why are you here?...

He's just here to make everyone depressed 😒

I snap my head back up again at the new voice.

And you?

I'm here against my will! Whoop di do! 🙄

💭against his will?💭

Just ignore him... you'll eventually learn to tune him out


I uncurl from the ball I was hiding in after realising what he said

Wow! Wow! "Eventually?!" No I'm leaving!



As depressing as Mr Grumpypants over here is, he's got a point

Why leave when you can stay in the comfort of your own mind? 😊

My mind? Am I unconscious? And you guys never told me who you are!

You already know us sonic

Also I am not depressing fleetway! I just say facts!

And yet your name is literally Dark? 🤔

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