Time and space break?

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~~~~~~~tails pov~~~~~~~~

It's been a week since Sonic absorbed the chaos emerald, and we have noticed a few new powers that Sonic has received. For example, he can now change the size of the room and make portals. Luckily we have been able to stop Sonic from noticing. Shadow has a theory that each chaos emeralds contains a different element of magic, the one sonic absorbed was space and distance.

"Ugh" Sonic was trying to open a jar of pickles to make a sandwich "never mind I'll have something else" Sonic then threw the jar over his shoulder and as he was walking away, a portal opened behind him that sent the jar back to the fridge.

Sometimes I wonder 💭how does he use magic and not know? And what is Eggman up too?💭 Ever since sonic fell from the sky, Eggman's gone AWOL. We had decided that Shadows house was the safest place for Sonic to stay for the moment as Eggman still doesn't know where shadow lives. So we pulled some strings and lets just say, the last time we saw "Eggman", he blew up Sonic's house.😉 

Keeping Sonic's other secret has been quite the challenge now as well because when Sonic is sleeping on Rouge and Shadows sofa, he keeps teleporting to a tree branch to sleep on, so when we all get up early to bring Sonic back inside without him noticing, the others have been wondering 💭 why a tree? Why not someplace comfy? 💭 I've been making excuses but I think Shadows getting suspicious. After all, he can tell if anyone is lying. And I'm not the best liar. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~sonic pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up this morning, being carried by my friend back inside. 💭shoot! I teleported again!💭 lately I have been teleporting in my sleep to feel safer in the trees. "Ok. This is just getting ridiculous!" Rouge mound "like seriously! What made Sonic start sleeping in trees in the first place?!" I felt everyones head turn to Tails as he is my brother, luckily I told Tails what to do years ago. "U-um I-It started at a c-camping trip" all heads then turned to Shadow. "Why do you lie, small fox?" 💭 darn you, living lie detector!💭 luckily before anyone could respond, I had an idea. With my eyes still closed, I rolled over to fall on the ground.

But a portal opened again?

~~~~~~~~~silver pov ~~~~~~~~~~

We appeared inside of Tails warehouse. And it happened again, Sonic started floating unconscious but this time with the silver chaos emerald as the emerald drained of colour, another one of Sonic's quills gained a silver colour just like before. As Sonic floated back to the table Tails put on his thinking face "so he is absorbing them one by one. Hey Shadow, Silver did you ever use that chaos emerald?" "No, I usually only use chaos control to teleport" Shadow shrugged, but I was in a state of panic as I knew exactly element of magic that chaos emerald was. "Umm Silver? Are you ok?" Tails snapped me out of it "t-that chaos e-emerald, i-is the one I-I used t-to...

Time travel to this time...

Sorry for the wait as school just started and sorry for the short post but I have decided to make this a Sonadow fanfic so I hope you like it 😊 

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