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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Silver pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

💭when will he wake up?💭

When Sonic and Shadow got back, we settled him in Shadows room (the couch is still ripped up) But I kept hearing him mumbling things like "mmm the maddest of hatters... mm talking cards mh" 💭 what in the is he dreaming about and why out of all things?💭 Anyway, we all went to the living room and sat on the floor in silence until I spoke up "so... what do we say when he wakes up?" Rouge turned to me "well duh, we ask him everything" "I don't think that's a good idea bat" we all turned to Shadow "what do you mean?" "When I found Sonic, his tears were full of heart breaking pain... as if the worst possible scenario just happened" I was honestly shocked by Shadows sudden concern 💭 I thought they hated each other?💭 Shadow turned to Tail "look small fox, Rouge promised you don't have to explain anything, but you do know what's going on... so what do you think?" But before Tails could answer...

Sonic came down the stairs... 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~knuckles pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Oh you guy's will not believe the 3 dreams I just had!" 💭he thought it was a dream? Also what are we talking about?! What happened?!💭 before I could say or ask anything, Tail grabbed the opportunity "what were they about?" Sonic sat down "well the first one was a nightmare which I thought was real until Shadow started singing and-" "SHADOW SINGING?!?!" 💭ok, I haven't understood much, but I understood that!!💭

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Shadow pov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I ran to the kitchen... WELL WHAT DID YOU EXPECT ME TO DO?! SONIC STOLE MY TELEPORTATION!! As everyone came running after me Sonic just sat in the living room. After a couple minutes Sonic finally yelled out "YOU GUYS DO REALISE IT WAS JUST A DREAM RIGHT?!" As everyone stoped trying to ask me questions and nag at me, Rouge signed to me "we're gonna talk about this later 😉" 💭great just great💭 as I sat down people had been asking Sonic how I sounded "anyways" I said desperate to change the subject "what were your other dreams about?" "Oh!" Sonic realised that they were getting off topic "my second dream was just the song from the first, come to life, and the last one... the last one was strange..." I started to get interested by his change of tone 💭was it another time or dimension dream?💭 tails obviously started thinking the same as me "what do you mean by strange?" "Well..." sonic started to stare out the window "I was in a field but everything was blue, and I mean everything the sun, the clouds, the grass, everything!... I started walking in the field until I saw a girl..." at the mention of a girl, a specific pink hedgehog started quietly growling to herself, sonic didn't hear her though "she had peach skin and long, blonde hair, she was wearing a blue dress and blue headband" 💭that sounds like... no it can't be... can it?💭 sonic turned his head back to us "she was nice, she kept asking what life on earth was like. When I asked her about it she said that she grew up on a spaceship and died before she could go to earth- SHADOW ARE YOU CRYING?!" Everyone turned to me "OMG SHADZ WHAT'S WRONG?!" I could only say one word at the time "m-Maria..."

~~~~~~~~~~~Sonic pov~~~~~~~~~~~

"Shadow who is Maria?" Rouge was getting worried "how?..." "how what Sonic?" Amy turned to me "the girl in my dream said her name was Maria..." everyone froze in confusion 💭how did shadow know her name was Maria? She was just a dream... right?💭 then I remembered something. My dream when I absorbed the silver emerald wasn't a dream, could the same thing be happening again? "B-back on the ark... I-I couldn't..." Shadow was getting out of hand now. He was shaking all over and his tears just kept coming no matter how many times he wiped them away "hey shadz! SHADZ!" Shadow looked up at me, I knew that face more then anyone... its the face when you want someone to comfort you but not have to explain what happened "shadow look at me. Your ok. You don't have to explain" and at that shadow passed out from exhaustion but when I looked over at knuckles he just looked mad "umm knucks you ok there?"


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