"Dude get the fuck off of me" i pushed him a little. All his drunk friends started laughing and calling out to us. It makes me feel kind of pathetic to not be able to pry him off of me, but his grip is tight, and it fucking hurts seeing as i have open wounds.

He continued his shit for a few more seconds before i felt another hard tug and suddenly he was tumbling down to the ground, his red solo cup spilling all over him.

"Fuck off" Jakes familiar voice rings in my ear. oh my god. Did he just do that?

(his side basically)

I eventually found Johnnie standing in a crowded room, he looked like he was talking to some guy ive never seen. whats going on? Johnnie never liked talking to random people, especially at parties.

I continued to push through the tons of people crowding the room, trying to get to him. As i got closer, i saw the guy grab johnnie by the arm. What the fuck? What was he doing to him? I pushed through a group of drunk girls and began to hear the guy teasing Johnnie and touching his arm. "Come onnnnn lets see it!" i hear.

Oh fuck. its about that.

Without thinking, i come up beside Johnnie, punching the guy in the face, and shoving him off of Johnnie.

"Fuck off" is all i can think of, im just so pissed off someone was doing that to him, probably unaware of whats been going on recently. I grab johnnie by the hand, and finally turn to talk to him.

"Oh my God Jake!" he laughs, clearly not upset with me.

"Are you okay?" I look into his eyes, not realizing im still holding his hand in mine. he nods, and as i go to ask him to say what happened, i hear the guy getting up from the ground.

"Whats your fucking problem?" he spits at me.

"My problem?!" i snap back, i couldnt help but to pick a fight with him.

"I was just talking to your little boyfriend!"

"No you werent! you had your fucking hands on him" It didnt really register what he had said, and after that, he was probably sure we were a couple.

Johnnie buts in, speaking up for me "Im not his boyfriend you ass!" right. hes not.

"Oh please! i can tell you guys are fucking faggots just by looking at you."

Damn. Ive been called a fag a million times in my life, but the way he brought Johnnie down with me made it hurt even more. At this point, i was itching to fight this guy.

"So what if we are?" i randomly say, not thinking before i spoke.

"Jake what are you talking about" Johnnie says quietly, so only i could really understand him.

"Come on, dont you wanna fuck with them?" i give johnnie a mischievous look, hopefully he gets the joke.

"got it." he turns back to face the crowd of boys, still talking and laughing to each other about us.

Johnnie starts up the fight again
"Yeah? so what? Do you have a fucking problem with that?"

"Maybe i do! I dont want any fucking fags around here!" seriously, what was this guys problem?

Before i have a chance to reply, Johnnies already yelling back at him, ive never seen him like this, but its kinda cute.

"Who gives a fuck what were doing together anyways! its none of your business asshole! if i wanna kiss a fucking guy im gonna!" I add onto the story, knowing this will definitely get to him. I did feel kinda bad for making this up partially for a chance to kiss johnnie in front of this ass, but still.

"Then do it you fucking fag!"

"I will!"

I turn back to johnnie, giving him the look as to say "this okay?" and he immediately reponds with his eyes "yeah"

I put my hand behind his head, pulling him towards me into a fervent kiss.


I instantly comply with Jakes actions, tilting my head up to meet his, putting my arm around his waist and meeting him in a kiss. I know it probably didnt mean anything to him, but i didnt care. I needed this one way or another, plus, it was his idea.

My mind starts to wonder if maybe he did feel something, as his hand ran gently through my messy hair, and he continued to direct us.

Im not even sure where the guys were anymore. were they watching? did they leave? were they recording? it didnt matter. all that mattered was us.

after a few more excruciating seconds i hear his voice boom again.

"You guys are fucking disgusting. just know that." he started to walk off, but jake still wanted to have the last word. He was always really protective over people shaming me, and i loved it.

"Piss off! suck a dick for a change!" He says quickly, before turning back to me. I remembered that this was just a kiss to annoy them. right.

"Sorry for that." he says sweetly

"No jake.. dont be. thank you for being here." i take my hands off his waist, but i still feel his on the back of my head.

"No im sorry for um.. for kissing you.."

"Dont be." i mutter before looking up at him again. I cant really kiss him, he has to kiss me, as hes over 6 foot and im only 5'7. Im positive he knows what im implying.

Our lips meet once again.

1570 words good lord

Screw Ups (Jake x Johnnie)Where stories live. Discover now