Act 11: Between Two Worlds

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Ayuna's eyes, usually a wellspring of confidence, now flickered with a vulnerability rarely seen. She glanced at Shirayuki, then away, as if gathering the fragments of a story long buried in the shadows of her heart.

Then, she drew a deep breath, her voice barely more than a whisper. "I'm..." started Ayuna as her hands fidgeted in her lap. Shirayuki, still nursing the emotional aftermath of the battle, turned her attention to Ayuna, sensing the gravity in her tone.

"What is it?" she asked, her voice soft yet laced with concern. Lowering her head, Ayuna scoffed before chuckling. "'s just not something I like to share out loud," she explained as Shirayuki tilted her head. 

"Why tell me then?" she wondered, her voice tinged with surprise and curiosity. Ayuna looked away, her gaze fixed on the distant moonlit ruins before she smiled. "Because I trust you," she said.

"Ever since we started travelling never seemed to hate demons as much as others," started Ayuna before looking at Shirayuki. "You always hope their next life will be better than this one. Even when some don't deserve it," explained Ayuna before closing her eyes.

"Not every demon had the choice of becoming one or not. So the least I can do after freeing them is hoping their life is better in the next one," she remembered Shirayuki's words during their first mission together.

"I understood you weren't like everyone else, but I was scared..." confessed Ayuna as she held her sword tightly. "I was scared you would leave me as a lot did before," she revealed as Shirayuki frowned yet remained silent.

"But during what happened with Hinako and with Enjin's unstoppable reminder of it..." lingered Ayuna before looking at Shirayuki. "I realised how important being honest about who we are is. No matter how frightening that truth might be," she said as Shirayuki smiled kindly.

Taking a deep breath, Ayuna tried to calm her nerves. "What I'm getting at is that I'm not a...normal demon slayer," said Ayuna. Shirayuki leaned in, encouraging her to continue with a nod as she sensed Ayuna's difficulty in voicing her secret.

Ayuna swallowed hard. "I'm...half-demon," she revealed as her words came out rushed. The revelation struck Shirayuki, leaving her momentarily speechless. Her mind raced, processing the implications, battles they had fought together, and Ayuna's resilience.

Despite this, Ayuna continued. "My father was once a demon under Muzan. He was powerful and feared..." she trailed off. "But then he met a woman, a doctor, who somehow removed Muzan's control," she revealed. Shirayuki's eyes widened slightly, connecting the dots. "You mean she freed him?" she asked, her voice tinged with awe.

Nodding, Ayuna let out a small sigh. "It allowed him to regain a part of himself," she said as a smile graced her face. "After that, he wandered until he met my mother," she said before lowering her head.

"She also was a demon slayer like us," said Ayuna. "She was injured in battle. But he still helped her," Ayuna continued, her voice a mix of reverence and sorrow. "They were from different worlds, but they stayed together," she said, remembering the moments with her parents.

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