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“Ouch! Devesh, don't touch my arm. It hurts.” Devansh winced when Devesh touched the plaster on his left arm.

“Oops, sorry, I'm just curious how a fractured arm feels.” Devesh smiled sheepishly.

“Oh, give me your arm. I'll fracture it right away.”

Devesh hid his arms behind his back and replied in a scared tone, “No, thanks.”

Well, apparently, Devansh got into an accident and fractured his left arm. He was resting in the hospital ward at that time. Well, not resting. Because his siblings were present there to annoy him.

All of a sudden, the door opened and Rishika came running inside with her dupatta flying in the air quite dramatically. Devansh smiled seeing her. But a very teary-eyed Rishika yelled at him.

“Are you insane? You got into an accident right after our engagement. Do you know how many bad thoughts crossed my mind?”

Devansh was momentarily in shock hearing her scold him. Devesh and Deveshi immediately left the ward, letting the couple have some privacy.

“I didn't get into the accident intentionally. It was the other man's mistake who hit my bike.” He mumbled.

Rishika's cries only increased,“I was feeling guilty, Dev. I thought you got into accident because you were upset over the argument that happened between us last night.”

“Rishu, it was just an argument for your dress's deep back.” He shrugged. Ouch! Even shrugging hurt his arm.

“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said 'Go to hell'.”

Devansh was speechless and a little bit, actually a lot, emotional seeing her cry. He pulled her arm and made her sit on the bed. He wiped her tears with one hand and was about to kiss her. But suddenly the door opened and Rishika jumped from where she was sitting.

Hiya smiled awkwardly realizing she ruined their romantic moment.

“Hey!” There was a tiny basket of fruits in her hands.

“I got to know you got into an accident so I came to meet you.” And she handed the basket to Rishika who put it on a side table.

“Thanks for visiting, Hiya.” Devansh smiled awkwardly. The awkwardness of a ruined kiss was lingering in the air. But before the awkwardness could increase any further, the door opened again. And, surprisingly, Karan entered the ward. With a basket of fruits.

Devansh was confused at Karan's visit. They weren't close. There was no reason for Karan to visit him.

“How's health, bro?” Karan asked casually while forwarding the basket.

Rishika took it from him and put it on the side table where Hiya's basket was kept.

“I'm feeling better.” Devansh smiled even though he wanted to roll his eyes. Karan was clueless about how to talk to a person admitted in hospital.

“I heard a careless car driver crashed into you.”  said Karan.

“Yeah, I'm actually surprised how did he end up hitting my bike. There was no traffic on the road.” Devansh expressed his doubt.

“Maybe he crashed into you intentionally.” Hiya added. She noticed how Karan went off-gaurd for a moment hearing her words.

“But why a stranger would do that to me?” asked Devansh.

“Maybe he was hired to do that by someone who would want to hurt you.” She glanced at Karan again but this time he remained composed.

“I don't think so.”  Devansh dismissed the idea.

“Alright, I'll take my leave. Take care, Devansh. Bye, Rishika.” She said her goodbyes to them and then passed a smile to Karan too. He didn't react.

Something was fishy about him.

✿ ✿ ✿

Rishika was staring at Hiya as if she was a unicorn. At some point in life we all had that one friend who was annoying but also cute. Hiya was that friend. Many a times Rishika felt like killing Hiya but then her cuteness would melt her heart.

“So you think Karan is behind Devansh's accident?” Rishika asked Hiya. She was wondering what made Hiya doubt Karan.

“Yes, I doubt that it's him.” Hiya replied while sipping her coffee. They were sitting in a cafe.

“Hiya,” Rishika chuckled, “you are overthinking it.”

“Rishika, my gut feeling is very strong.”

“You said the same when you started dating that Engineer guy. You were like, ‘Rishika, I have a gut feeling that he is my soulmate.’ But he dumped you in two months.”  That was enough to pop Hiya's confidence.

“Arrey, yaar, that was an exception.”  Embarassed was a small word for what Hiya felt.

“Hiya, this is none of your business. Don't do anything stupid.” Rishika warned her.

“Don't worry, bro. I'll be discreet about my investigation.” Hiya tried to assure Rishika.

“Aye, Jaipur ki Sherlock Holmes, if by any chance your actions ruined my image in front of my in-laws, I'll kill you with my bare hands.” Rishika threatened Hiya and yes, it did scare Hiya.

“But then Devansh won't marry a murderer.” Hiya mumbled innocently.

“Hiya!” Rishika was about to throw her purse at her but Hiya quickly got up.

“I'm leaving!” Saying so Hiya ran out of the cafe.


Jaipur Ki Sherlock Holmes 🤣

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