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Rishika and Devansh had become a part of each other's life gradually. Rishika would tell him which shirt will go right with which pants. And Devansh was someone who didn't even remember what clothes he have. But Rishika was someone who could count her dresses on her tips. So it just kind of worked for them. Rishika became Devansh's personal stylist funnily.

Her summer vacations were going on. So they would hang out together very often. Sometimes they would try their favorite street food and other times they would explore the forts of Jaipur.

It was some time after Devansh's birthday when they went to a mall. A periods awareness campaign was going on there. Interestingly, they had a periods cramp simulator for men. It was machine made solely to make men experience the pain women endure every month during periods.

“I wanna try this.” He spoke.

“What's the need of it? Just leave it.” Said Rishika.

Nonetheless Devansh volunteered to experience it. He was given two tiny patches to be attached to his lower abdomen. The patches were attached to a tiny machine through wires. He sat down on a chair. As they began increasing the frequency, pain began to hit him. Electrical waves were passed into his body and the muscles of his lower abdomen began contracting. Rishika was standing by his side. On level one, he clutched her hand tightly. On level two, tears pooled his eyes with the intensity of pain. On level three, he was shaking with pain. He could also feel his thighs and back paining due to the contractions. It wasn't what he was expecting. The experience was way worse than that. He felt as if his soul was being sucked out of his body and he cried out in pain.

When the machine was stopped, Rishika held his hand and wiped his tears. He hugged her. That experience left a very strong mark on him. He called his sister Deveshi and apologized to her for irritating her during her periods.

And then he kept kissing Rishika's forehead from time to time because she was on her periods during that time.

✿ ✿ ✿

It was nineteenth of July. Rishika's twentieth birthday. At midnight, her phone began ringing and when she picked it up it was Devansh. He FaceTimed her and wished her a happy birthday.

That morning, her mother had a kept a Puja for her birthday and Devansh's family was invited. So they met in the morning. It was one of those Puja's that go on for hours and make your limbs numb. You try to not yawn but the boredom is too much tolerate. And finally it was over in the afternoon and they ate lunch together.

Devansh took Rishika's father's permission to take her out in the evening and they went to a fare because Rishika loved rides. They had a good time enjoying rides and having fun together.

Later, they went to a cafe. Actually, it was a cafe with a bar in it. There was a place to eat and then there was place to dance. Rishika and Devansh first ate some food and cut a cake too. Then they went to the dance floor.

She was too lost in vibing to the song when he patted her shoulder. She turned around and Devansh was on his knees with a ring in his hand. She was too surprised to comprehend whatever he said but the next moment he slipped the ring into her finger.

He dropped her home and after some time she realized that there was a pendant around her neck. It had the initials of their names. Devansh made her wear that without her realizing by pretending to brush hair strands off her face when Rishika had her her sole attention on eating food. And he knew, when she is eating, someone might steal her purse or phone still she won't realise.

She FaceTimed him and gave him an earful for spending so much on her. Something she did on his birthday and got scolded in return.

✿ ✿ ✿

In August, Devansh was supposed to leave for Bangalore. And he was going to be handling the Bangalore branch for a year. It was hard for Rishika. She was used to his presence by then.

She went to his home that day. Alone. Rishika entered his bedroom for the first time. Looking at him, ready to leave, she broke into tears. He came forward and he hugged her. There, in that moment, they had their first kiss. It was an ethereal moment for both of them. They didn't want to let go of each other. But they ended the kiss.

“Rishika, wash your face. There are dried tear stains.” He cupped her face and she nodded before entering the bathroom and washing the evidence of her emotional breakdown.

When she came back, he hugged her again. They got back to their normal selves after some time. He held her waist and they began casually talking about the Bangalore branch.

“Do you want to change anything in my bedroom, I mean, our bedroom?” He asked her.

“There is lots of time remaining before our marriage. I don't think there's a need to do it right now.” She smiled.

And they went outside together.

✿ ✿ ✿

At the airport, both the families were present to see off Devansh. He took Rishika to a corner and kissed her again. Then on her forehead.

“Don't be so happy now that you got a kiss.” She teased him.

He chuckled and engulfed her into his embrace. They hugged for straight five long minutes which felt like five seconds to them. And then he entered the gate after saying goodbye to others. She was standing there alone. Rishika quickly pulled out her phone and messaged him.

- I love you ❤️

Devansh's phone pinged. He looked at the screen, saw her message and looked back at her with a shocked expression.

She gave him a flying kiss. He couldn't help but smile and mouthed her, “I Iove you too.”

That was their first goodbye, first kiss and first time saying I Love You to each other.

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