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"We'll be reaching in half an hour."
I texted Ceren as I waited for kiraz to come.
I got off early from my shift today so I decided to pick kiraz  from her school. Ceren then suggested that we meet at a diner for ice cream, so I'm taking kiraz with me. She loves to spend time with her aunt Ceren.

Considering that I'm an army nurse, I barely get to spend time with my daughter, so I try my best to give her happy moments whenever I can and Ceren, my bestfriend, is my partner in this. She's like a second mother to kiraz. We have always been there for each other in our ups and downs and continue to do so.

I was brought back from my thoughts by the sweet melodious voice of my munchkin,
"Mommy!!!" There she comes, running to me with her bag on her back, and a small notebook in her hands. I went down on my knees and welcomed her in my arms with a big hug.

"Mommy!!, you came to pick me up today!!!" She said, with a bright smile on her face.

"Yes sweetie!! And guess what, I have a little surprise for you."

"Really!!" She exclaimed, joyfully.

"Okay, you don't wanna be late so quickly hop in the car and then we'll talk about your day. Yes?" I said, opening the backdoor for her.

"Yesss!!" She voiced excitedly and jumped in the car.

I closed the door and went to the wheel.


After about 20 minutes, we had reached to our stop.

"Okay kiraz, your wait is over." I said. Grabbing her hand, we walked towards the diner.
"See who's here to meet you..."

Ceren was standing there, waiting for us.

"Aunt Ceren!!" She gasped and went running to her.

"Hi Kiraz!!!, You missed me?"

"A lot, did you miss me too while you were on your trip?"

"Oh, of course I did, that's why your mom and I decided to give you a surprise! Did you like it?"

"Veryy much!, Thankuu"

"Now who's ready for some chocolate and vanilla ice-cream?"

"I am!!!" She jumped with joy and went inside.

"Edaaaa!!!! I missed you!!"
Ceren came to me and gave me a tight hug.

"I missed you too, How have you been? And how was your trip?" I replied.

"I'll tell you all about it. Let's go" She said.


"It's not working Eda. Hakan is acting so weird, I am doubting he's having an affair." Ceren said as she finished narrating her whole trip to me. We were standing just a few feet away from our car after we left the diner and Kiraz was already in the car.

"Yeah but didn't you guys planned this whole trip to sort out things between each other and enjoy for a while away from your hectic schedule?"
I asked.

"Enjoy?" She scoffed. "He was on his phone and laptop whole time and barely spent any time with me. He was also acting very distant. Said that there was an urgent crisis in his office which needed his attention"

"That's weird." I exclaimed. Hakan was Ceren's fiance. They dated for 6 years and Hakan proposed to her two months back only. They were planning their wedding next year. As far as I know, he seems to be a decent guy.

Suddenly, we were interrupted by my phone ringing. I took it out of my purse.

"Oh shoot!" I said.

"What is it?" Ceren asked.

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